Class Syllabus
Upon completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
• Explain the structure and function of body systems in agricultural animals.
• Analyze comparative anatomy between humans and agricultural animals.
• Identify common diseases of agricultural animals and list symptoms and treatments.
• Identify and explain animal cells.
• List the types of animal tissues.
• List and explain the basic structures of the heart, and what functions of the circulatory system.
• Explain the significance of the renal system.
• Analyze the anatomy of the respiratory system.
• List the function of the skeletal system.
• Explain the estrous cycle.
• Identify the organs and functions of the digestive system.
• Identify the parts and function of the nervous system.
• Explain the important vital signs in animals.
Units of Study
Lessons Study Guides Enrichment Activities Assessments
Lesson 5.4
Animals In Agriculture
Project 5.4.1 Animal AnthropologyActivity 5.4.2 Priority Decisions
Activity 5.4.3 Internal Body Systems
Lesson 5.5
Animal Care
Activity 5.5.1 Food for AnimalsActivity 5.5.2 Keeping Warm
Activity 5.5.3 Deception of Perception
Problem 5.5.4 Animals as Food
1. Animal Cellscells hangman
Quizlet of Vocabulary
Rags to Riches game
2. Animal Tissuesquizlet vocabulary
Tissues JeopardyIntroduction to Tissues scavenger hunt #2
3. Circulatory Systemscirculatory system hangman
Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches #1
Jeopardy Activity
Rags to Riches #2 4. Renal System 5. Respiratory System 6. Skeletal System7. Reproductive System
8. Digestive Systemm
9. Nervous System
10. Endocrine System
11. Immune System
12. Zoonotic Diseases
Unit 3 Test
(over lessons 9 to 12)
13. Parturition
14. Allergies
Supplemental materials
Last Updated on:May 14, 2021 11:17 AM