Roland-Story FFA Chapter
Secretary's Report -- August 31, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by Chapter President Wyatt Origer. There were 39 members and guests in attendance.
The officer team came up front and introduced themselves. The officers then did the official opening ceremony.
Kat Hawley moved and Kade Faga seconded that we approve the agenda.
Motion passed.
Amanda Hofsommer presented the secretary's report. Amanda moved acceptance of
the report. Motion passed. Blake Lebeck presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $42,612.59. Blake moved acceptance of
the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor presented the results of the State Fair by RS
Under new business, Kade Faga and Jakob Lester explained the various opportunities
available to FFA members. Levi Origer explained the T-shirt design contest.
Members should send their designs to Mr. Taylor by September 14th. T-shirts
should cost no more than $12. Winnng design wins $50. Brendan Taylor explained
the chapter's thrift account policy. 20% of fruit sales goes into the members
individual account. Caden Sporleder visited with members about the national
convention. Application forms are available..
With no further business it was moved by Brendan Taylor and seconded by Kat
Hawley to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am.
Respectfully submitted by Amanda Hofsommer
August 31, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $43,682.40
Incomes -- $ 543.50
Expenses … $ 1523.31
Ending balance -- $42,612.59
Secretary's Report -- May 4, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:45 am by Chapter President Max Halstead. There were 47 members and guests
in attendance. Madison Friest moved and Kat Hawley seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Kat Hawley presented the secretary's report. Kat moved acceptance of the report.
Motion passed. Wyatt Origer presented the treasurer's report and indicated we
have a current balance of $43,682.40. Wyatt moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor presented the results of the state FFA convention
and signing up for fairs -- county and state. May 15th is the due date for all
animal entry's.
Under new business,Maddy Arthur explained the Little Norse Relays sack lunch
program and had a sign up sheet available. Awards were presented by Max Halstead,
Grant Berends, Taylor Blythe, Kat Hawley and Wyatt Origer. Reagan Schmitze and
Caden Sporleder were awarded the Star Greenhand for this year and Brendan Taylor
was awarded the Star Chapter member award for this year. Matthew Hougland presented
the nominating committee report and moved to approve the report as a unanimous
ballot for the nominating committees recommendation. Meri McMullen seconded
the motion. Motion was voted on and passed. Zach Taylor and Max Halstead then
installed the new officers. Kat and Wyatt then closed the meeting.
With no further business it was moved by Madison Friest and seconded by Meri
McMullen to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 am.
Respectfully submitted by Kat Hawley
May 4, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $41,239.90
Incomes -- $ 3,404.00
Expenses … $ 961.50
Ending balance -- $43,682.40
Secretary's Report -- April 6, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by Chapter President Max Halstead. There were 42 members and guests
in attendance. Wyatt Origer moved and Ben Chelsvig seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Kat Hawley presented the secretary's report. Kat moved acceptance of the report.
Motion passed. Wyatt Origer presented the treasurer's report and indicated we
have a current balance of $41,239.90. Wyatt moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business Max talked about the trip by senior officers to the Iowa
Corn Growers Legisaltive day and Wyatt Origer visited about the results of the
Bushels for Ag program sponsored by Key Coop.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor went over the state ffa convention -- members
going and what they are in. We also talked about the community garden and how
we are looking for a committee chair to head it. Max showed the members were
the officer application sheets are. Elections will take place at our next meeting.
Mr. Taylor talked about upcoming dates for county and state fair sign ups. All
members showing in the FFA must enter through him. It was moved by Kat and seconded
by Wyatt O that we again sponsor the "Little Norse Relays" sack lunch
program. Motion passed. Madeline Arthur has volunteered to be in charge of coordinating
this. Wyatt Origer moved and Ben Chelsvig seconded that we spend up to $250
for staff appreciation meals during National Teacher Week in May. Motion passed.
Mr. Taylor visited with us about the Volunteer Center of Story County and how
our FFA has been nominated for an award. He is looking for two volunteers to
attend their meeting on Thursday, April 26th in Ames.
With no further business it was moved by Wyatt and seconded by Ben to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Respectfully submitted by Kat Hawley
April 6, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $39,184.44
Incomes -- $ 2,544.67
Expenses … $ 327.69
Ending balance -- $41,239.90
Secretary's Report -- March 2, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by Chapter President Zach Taylor. There were 39 members and guests
in attendance. Max Halstead moved and Matthew Hougland seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Jakob Lester presented the secretary's report. Jakob moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Ben Chelsvig presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $39,184.44. Ben moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr Taylor talked about the results of District Officer interviews,
district review night and results of sub-district contests.
Under new business, there was a handout about the major items: Legislative program
by the Iowa Corn Promotion board, State convention contests and activities opporunities,
garden, bushels for Ag program by Key Cooperative, Key Coopertive scholarshp
program, and procedures for signing up for county and state fairs.
Members were given an opportunity to sign up for state convention contests and events. Mr. Taylor empahsized that for the Story County Fair, any member entering has to go through him so that they can do the online sign up of animals or static entries. He also mentioned that the state fair is now requiring YQCA certification for anyone showing livestock.
With no further business it was moved by Mason and seconded by Madison Friest
to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 am.
Respectfully submitted by Jakob Lester
Roland-Story FFA
March 2, 2021 Meeting -- Information letter
1. Old business
a. Sub-districts: RS had members compete on 4 contest areas: Sam Skaar in creed
speaking (4th place Gold, Alternate to Districts); Grant Berends, Job Interview
(3rd place Gold, Alternate to Districts); Zach Taylor, Extemp Speaking ((3rd
place Gold, Alternate to Districts); and Blake Lebeck, Radio Broadcast (4th
place Silver).
b. District Review: All eleven RS members applications were approved to receive
the Iowa Degree on Tuesday, April 24th at the state convention: Zach Shadlow,
Taryn Perry, Madison Friest, Lindsey Larson, Taylor Blythe, Grant Berends, Kade
Faga, Jakob Lester, Kat Hawley, Wyatt Origer and Ben Chelsvig.
c. District Officer interviews: Maddy Arthur and Kat Hawley applied for and
interviewed for a district officer position. Unfortunately, neither were slated
as a candidate.
2. FFA Week: Several planned activities did not happen due to various circumstances. What did happen was: Coloring contest for K and 1st graders, teacher appreciation baskets (by Bayley and Reagan); Meal packaging and delivery by Food Science class; pride day and FFA Trivia during lunch one day. Business and Industry tours took place this week on Tuesday. Teacher appreciation breakfast, Business and Industry luncheon and pet/animal education did not happen this year.
3. New Business:
a. Legislative Program by Corn Producers - open to seniors in FFA. Must
sign up with Mr. Taylor if not an FFA officer. Wednesday, March 21st.
b. State Convention: In order to attend, you must be involved in one of the
approved state convention activities: Biotechnology contest (Monday afternoon,
April 23); Farm Business Management, Team Ag Sales and Poultry judging contests
are on Tuesday morning the 24th. Each is a 4 person team. Greenhand Quiz contest
- Tuesday morning for 2 freshmen. 2 members to serve as official delegates
on Monday the 23rd. 2 members for the Chapter Display contest (display must
be done prior to April 23rd).
c. Garden - Interested members will meet next Monday right after school
to discuss the garden planning.
d. Bushels for Ag Program - Key Cooperative has donated to us corn and
soybeans to us to use as a learning opportunity on marketing.
e. Fairs: (1) if showing livestock at Story County or Iowa State Fair, Mr Taylor
needs to know by next Friday so that tags can be ordered. (2) Livestock shows
require you be certified in FSQA, PQA+ or the new YQCA for county fair. For
State fair you must be the new YQCA certified. NO ONE ENTERS FAIRS UNDER FFA
f. New entry procedure for entering FFA at the Story County Fair. ANYTHING
March 2, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $39,272.44
Incomes -- $ 177.00
Expenses … $ 265.00
Ending balance -- $39,184.44
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- February 2, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by Chapter President Max Halstead. There were 37 members and guests
in attendance. Wyatt Origer moved and Kat Hawley seconded that we approve the
agenda. Motion passed.
Kat Hawley presented the secretary's report. Kat moved acceptance of the report.
Motion passed. Wyatt Orger presented the treasurer's report and indicated we
have a current balance of $39,485.46. Wyatt moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business Madison Friest talked about the results of the Sweetheart
Ball Dance. Several officers reported on their experiences with the Legislative
Under new business, Mr. Taylor mentioned about sub-district contests next week
on Friday the 9th. Max then lead the members through National FFA Week activities.
It was moved by Wyatt and seconded by Madison to approved the suggested list
of activities. After discussion, motion passed.
The activities and person in charge are: Business and Industry
Luncheon -- Wyatt Origer; Business and Industry Tours -- Mr. Taylor; Pet Education
at the elementary school -- Matthew Hougland; Elementary school coloring contest
-- Madison Friest; Meals of Wheels program -- Aaron Seydell and Anne Wilgenbusch;
Teacher appreciation breakfast -- Kat Hawley.
With no further business it was moved by Kat and seconded by Matthew Hougland
to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am.
Respectfully submitted by Kat Hawley.
February 2, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $39,293.32
Incomes -- $ 1,225.00
Expenses … $ 1,032.86
Ending balance -- $39,485.46
Secretary's Report -- January 12, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by Chapter President Zach Taylor. There were 39 members and guests
in attendance. Max Halstead moved and Wyatt Origer seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Max Halstead presented the secretary's report. Max moved acceptance of the report.
Motion passed. Wyatt Orger presented the treasurer's report and indicated we
have a current balance of $39,293.32. Wyatt moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr Taylor talked about the results of the Christmas noon
meal, Iowa Degree applications, and FFA Scholarships
Under new business, Madison Friest talked about the upcoming Sweetheart Ball
Dance. Members were able to then vote for candidates. Mr. Taylor explained about
sub-district leadership contests, Legislative symposium and national FFA week
activities. We are looking for activities to do during National FFA Week.
With no further business it was moved by Kat and seconded by Maxto adjourn the
meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Respectfully submitted by Jakob Lester.
January 12, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $58.061.56
Incomes -- $ 798.00
Expenses … $ 19,566.24
Ending balance -- $39,293.32
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- December 1, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by Chapter President Max Halstead. There were 34 members and guests
in attendance. Matthew moved and Wyatt seconded that we approve the agenda.
Motion passed.
Jakob Lester presented the secretary's report. Jakob moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Wyatt Orger presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $58,061.56. Wyatt moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr Taylor commented about the Kids Against Hunger program
and the results of fruit sales.
Matthew Hougland was in charge of our special feature -- a chubby
buddy contest between sophomores and juniors.
Under new business, Max addressed the FFA Christmas Party noon meal -- it will
be a ticketed event and members should sign up with Mr. Taylor to get their
meal ticket. The meal will be from Hickory Park. Mr. Taylor mentioned that FFA
and FCCLA are in charge of sweetheart ball dance and must come up with a DJ.
Mr. Taylor then talked about that the Story County Fair Beef cattle weigh in
is Saturday, December 16 in Nevada, FFA leadership contests in February at Iowa
Falls and indicated that Juniors and Seniors may be eligble for their Iowa Degree
and should secure additional information from him.
With no further business it was moved by Wyatt and seconded by Ben to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am.
Respectfully submitted by Jakob Lester.
December 1, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $33,002.26
Incomes -- $ 27,966.00
Expenses … $ 2,906.70
Ending balance -- $58,061.56
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- November 3, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by Chapter Vice-President Matthew Hougland. There were 48 members
and guests in attendance. Zach moved and Max seconded that we approve the agenda.
Motion passed.
Kat Hawley presented the secretary's report. Kat moved acceptance of the report.
Motion passed. Wyatt Orger presented the treasurer's report and indicated we
have a current balance of $33,002.26. Wyatt moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr Taylor made a reminder about fruit sales, Wyatt Origer
visited about the farm safety program at the coop and a presentation was made
on the national ffa convention trip by members who attended..
Under new business, Jon Sansgaard explained the November program called "Kids
Against Hunger" and informed the members of the date, time and location.
He also indicated how to sign up as a helper (go to the website and
look for the link called "Kids Against Hunger")
With no further business it was moved by Wyatt and seconded by Ben to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am.
Respectfully submitted by Kat Hawley.
November 3, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 35,897.83
Incomes -- $ 650.00
Expenses … $ 3,545.37
Ending balance -- $33,002.26
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- October 6, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:56 am by Chapter President Max Halstead. There were 54 members and guests
in attendance. Zach moved and Wyatt seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion
Jakob Lester presented the secretary's report. Jakob moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Ben Chelsvig presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $35, 897.83. Ben moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr Taylor summarized the results of the t-shirt contest,
convention candidates and garden. T-shirts are ordered, the convention candidates
are Caden, Jackson, Sam, Cale, Reagan, Maddy, Nathan, and Levi. Mason Thomas
thanked those that helped with the farm safety program.
Under new business, information was presented on fruit sales -- kick off meeting
is next week during seminar on Thursday; bushels for Ag program by Key Coop
and Kat talked about the new member leadership camp, farm safety program at
coop and grilling for the high school.
With no further business it was moved by Ben and seconded by Mason to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Respectfully submitted by Jakob Lester.
October 6, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 34,219.68
Incomes -- $ 0.00
Expenses … $ 227.16
Ending balance -- $ 35,897.83
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- September 1, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by Chapter President Zach Taylor. There were 64 members and guests
in attendance. Mason moved and Max seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion
Kat Hawley presented the secretary's report. Kat moved acceptance of the report.
Motion passed. Wyatt Origer presented the treasurer's report and indicated we
have a current balance of $36,174.99. Wyatt moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr Taylor summarized the results of the state fair.
Under new business, The vice-president's informed members about FFA opportunities.
Kat explained the t-shirt contest (designs are due to Mr. Taylor by Wednesday,
September 13th. Winning design wins $50). Ben and Wyatt explained our thrift
account system for paying FFA fees and expenses. Kat and Kade talked about the
national convention and handed out convention forms. Students need 20 points
if a new member and 100 points as an 'old' member to qualify.
With no further business it was moved by Max and seconded by Wyatt to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Respectfully submitted by Jakob Lester.
September 1, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 34,219.68
Incomes -- $ 2,751.00
Expenses … $ 795.69
Ending balance -- $ 36,174.99
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- May 5, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:50 am by Chapter President Jacob Sterle. There were 51 members and guests
in attendance. Brayden moved and Wyatt seconded that we approve the agenda.
Motion passed.
Taylor Blythe presented the secretary's report. Taylor moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Matthew Hougland presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $34,219.68. Matthew moved acceptance
of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr Taylor summarized the results of the state convention
and the community garden.
Under new business, we were updated on county and state fair deadlines and procedures
for entering, Sierra and Meri informed the group about the 'Little Norse Relays'
sack lunch program and had a sign up sheet available, and Brayden addressed
the officer election procedure. The nominating committee recommended dual officer
positions for the following positions: President --Max Halstead and Zach Taylor;
VP -- Taylor Blythe and Matthew Hougland; Secretary -- Kat Hawley and Jakob
Lester; Treasurer -- Ben Chelsvig and Wyatt Origer; Reporter --Kade Faga and
Taryn Perry; Sentinel -- Blake Lebeck and Brendan Taylor; and student advisor
-- Madison Friest. A motion was made to accept the nominating committee report
as a unanimous ballot as presented by Brayden Lester. The motion was seconded
by Matt Weaver. After discussion, the vote was taken and the motion was approved
for the new officers.
The meeting then recognized members for their membership, contest participation, and special awards. Max Halstead, Matthew Hougland and Zach Taylor were presented with their Iowa Degree certificates and gold chains. Brayden Lester, Jake Sterle and Brendan Taylor were recongized as the Star award winners.
With no further business, Presidents Halstead and Taylor took over the running
of the meeting, it was moved by Jacob Sterle and seconded by Brayden Lester
to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Respectfully submitted by Taylor Blythe,.
May 5, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 33,739.51
Incomes -- $ 1367.39
Expenses … $ 887.22
Ending balance -- $ 34,219.68
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- April 7, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by Chapter President Brayden Lester. There were 32 members and guests
in attendance. Kat moved and Ben seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion
Kat Hawley presented the secretary's report. Kat moved acceptance of the report.
Motion passed. Matthew Hougland presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $33,739.51. Matthew moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business Brayden summarized the results of the District convention
and contests and the chili cook-off competition.
Under new business, discussion was on the upcoming state convention, county
and fair updates, officer election process, sponsoring the little norse relays
sack lunch program, and sponsoring a community garden. Brayden and Mr. Taylor
informed the group about the state convention updates. Mr. Taylor mentioned
that for county fairs, students are responsible for their individual entries
and that he will handle the state fair entries. County fair weigh in for swine
is April 15 and State Fair weigh in for swine is April 22. A motion was made
and seconded that we continue the sack lunch program for the Little Norse Relays.
After discussion, motion passed. A motion was made and seconded that we continue
with our community garden. After discussion, the motion passed.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Max and seconded by Zach to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Respectfully submitted by Kat Hawley.
April 7, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 33,924.28
Incomes -- $ 36.20
Expenses … $ 148.57
Ending balance -- $ 33,739.51
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- March 3, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by Chapter President Jacob Sterle. There were 36 members and guests
in attendance. Max Halstead moved and Zach Taylor seconded that we approve the
agenda. Motion passed.
Taylor Blythe presented the secretary's report. Taylor moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Matthew Hougland presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $33,924.28. Matthew moved acceptance
of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor summarized the results of the Sub-district contests
and National FFA week activities.
Under new business, discussion was on signing up for State Convention and contests
to be held April 10 and 11 in Ames, State and County fair sign up and policies
(FFA members are to do their own sign up for county fair and must work through
Mr. Taylor for state fair), discussion on doing a 2nd grade 'food for america'
program in late April and FFA entering into the March Madness Chile cook-off.
It was moved by Kat and seconded by Zach that the FFA provide the ingredients
for the FFA entry into the chili cook-off. Motion passed.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Max and seconded by Zach to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 am.
Respectfully submitted by Taylor Blythe
March 3, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 34,191.24
Incomes -- $ 0.00
Expenses … $ 266.96
Ending balance -- $ 33,924.28
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- February 3, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by Chapter President Brayden Lester. There were 31 members and guests
in attendance. Jacob Sterle moved and Max Halstead seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Taylor Blythe presented the secretary's report. Taylor moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Matthew Hougland presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $34,191.24. Matthew moved acceptance
of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor summarized the results of the Sweetheart Ball
Dance and Brayden summarized the Iowa Degrees and District officer applications.
Under new business, discussion was over National FFA Week activities, sub-district
and district contests and convention. It was moved by Jacob Sterle that we approved
with flexibility the proposed national FFA week of: Monday -- Pet Education
day at the elementary and pride day; Tuesday -- business and industry tours,
Wednesday -- meals to shut-ins and grilling for high school, Thursday -- business
and industry luncheon, and Friday -- coloring contest with elementary.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Max and seconded by Zach to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 am.
Respectfully submitted by Taylor Blythe
February 3, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 35,243.31
Incomes -- $ 1,294.00
Expenses … $ 2,346.07
Ending balance -- $ 34,191.24
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- January 13, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by Chapter President Jacob Sterle. There were 39 members and guests
in attendance. Zach Shadlow moved and Max Halstead seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Max Halstead presented the secretary's report. Max moved acceptance of the report.
Motion passed. Matthew Hougland presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $35,243.31. Matthew moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Special features included a bowling contest between Kade Faga
and Logan Strom and a marshmallow eating contest between the VP's and Presidents.
Under old business Mr. Taylor summarized the results of the FFA Christmas party
Under new business, discussion was over the sweetheart ball dance and what is
currently set. Members interested in applying for their Iowa Degrees should
visit with Mr. Taylor. Brayden talked to the group about applying for district
office and the application process. A list was posted on suggestions of what
activities we should do during National FFA week. Ideas included: elementary
pet education day, grilling for high school, business and industry luncheon
and providing meals to shut-ins.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Zach Taylor and seconded by Max Halstead
to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 am.
Respectfully submitted by Max Halstead.
January 13, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 53,855.72
Incomes -- $560.00
Expenses … $ 19,172.41
Ending balance -- $ 35,243.31
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- December 2, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by Chapter President Brayden Lester. There were 37 members and guests
in attendance. Jake Sterle moved and Max Halstead seconded that we approve the
agenda. Motion passed.
Kat Hawley presented the secretary's report. Kat moved acceptance of the report.
Motion passed. Matthew Hougland presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $53,855.72. Matthew moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Special features included awarding to door prizes and a reading
by Matthew Hougland.
Under old business Mr. Taylor summarized the results of the Kids Against Hunger
program and fruit sales.
Under new business, Jacob Sterle and Brayden Lester talked about the FFA Christmas
Party. Information was presented on Sweetheart Ball Dance, Legislative Symposium,
National FFA Week and FFA Sub-district contests.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Matt Weaver and seconded by Zach Shadlow
to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 am.
Respectfully submitted by Kat Hawley.
December 2, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 26,906.46
Incomes -- $27,054.49
Expenses … $ 105.23
Ending balance -- $ 53,855.72
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- November 3, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by the chapter freshmen parliamentary procedure team with the opening
ceremonies. Jacob Strele then called the meeting to order. There were 43 members
and guests in attendance. Zach Shadlow moved and Lindsey Larson seconded that
we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Brayden Lester presented the secretary's report. Brayden moved acceptance of
the report. Motion passed. Matthew Hougland presented the treasurer's report
and indicated we have a current balance of $26,905.46. Matthew moved acceptance
of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Special features included awarding to door prizes and a reading
by Zach Taylor.
Under old business Lindsey Larson summarized the 2016 National FFA Convention
trip and Grant Berends went over fruit sales turn in procedures.
Under new business, Jade Elliott informed the group about the '2nd grades kids
against hunger program'. It is on November 23. A sign up sheet has been set
out. Max Halstead visisted about the ISU Hockey team program, Mr. Taylor informed
the group of the grant 'Living to serve' which we've applied for and Brayden
Lester addressed the Christmas Party and need to have a committee look into
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Max Halstead and seconded by Zach
Shadlow to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Respectfully submitted by Brayden Lester.
November 3, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $27,465.462
Incomes -- $ 50.00
Expenses … $ 600.00
Ending balance -- $26,905.46
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- October 7, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Brayden Lester. There were 49 members and guests
in attendance. Max Halstead moved and Jacob Sterle seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Taylor Blythe presented the secretary's report. Taylor moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Matthew Hougland presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $27,465.46. Matthew moved acceptance
of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor talked about the members attending the National
Convention, Jacob Sterle announced the t-shirt winner and Mason Thomas summarized
the 2016 Farm safety program indicating it was a success..
Under new business, Mr. Taylor went over the upcoming fruit sales campaign and
indicated that sales will begin on October 13th. Jacob Sterle explained the
program sponsored by Key Cooperative entitled 'Bushels for Agriculture'. Announcments
were made about the results of the FFA community garden in which our final contribution
was 7,785 pounds of produce taken into the 'Loaves and Fishes' food pantry.
Mr. Taylor informed the group that Monsanto will be harvesting our corn plot
in the next few weeks and will be announcing the results of that contest.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Matthew Hougland and seconded by Max
Halstead to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am.
Respectfully submitted by Taylor Blythe.
October 7, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $30,287.92
Incomes -- $ 250.00
Expenses … $ 3,072.46
Ending balance -- $27,465.46
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- September 2, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Jacob Sterle. There were 68 members and guests
in attendance. Max Halstead moved and Brayden Lester seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Taylor Blythe presented the secretary's report. Taylor moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Zach Shadlow presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $30,287.92. Zach moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor talked about results of the 2016 Iowa State Fair.
Under new business, Jacob welcomed everyone to the meeting and we had officer
introductions. Brayden and Matthew then talked about opportunities in the organization.
Max and Taylor talked about the t-shirt contest. Winning design will receive
$50. All designs are due by September 16 to Mr. Taylor. Zach Shadlow explained
dues and our thrift account system. Kat and Anglea talked about the National
Convention to Indianapolis in October. Members interested should pick up an
application from Mr. Taylor.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Matthew Hougland and seconded by Max
Halstead to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Respectfully submitted by Taylor Blythe.
September 2, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $30,668.97
Incomes -- $ $485.95
Expenses … $ 867.00
Ending balance -- $30,287.92
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- May 6, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Will Halstead. There were 36 members and guests
in attendance. Max Halstead moved and Jake Sterle seconded that we approve the
agenda. Motion passed.
Max presented the secretary's report. Max moved acceptance of the report. Motion
passed. Zach Shadlow presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have
a current balance of $30,668.97. Zach moved acceptance of the treasurer's report.
Motion passed.
Under old business, we heard about the results of the State FFA Convention and
Under new business, Tyler Hovick presented the nominating committee report.
Presidents -- Brayden Lester and Jake Sterle; Vice Presidents -- Max Halstead
and Zach Taylor; Secretary's -- Kyauna Abele and Taylor Blythe; Treasurers --
Zach Shadlow and Matthew Hougland; Reporters -- Angela Harestad and Kat Hawley;
and Sentinel's -- Kade Faga and Logan Strom. Motion to approve the nominating
report passed and the offiers will be installed next week. Mr. Taylor visited
about the community garden and had release form available to be picked up. Mr.
Taylor visited about Story County Fair and procedures to enter. If you haven't
completed nomination forms, they are due by May 15th to the fair. All entries
are due by June 15 and members are responsible for their own entries. Sierra
Tate updated the group on the May 19th Little Norse Relays sack lunch program.
Mr. Taylor presented information about State FFA contests on June 9th. Will
Halstead indicated that the officer installation and awards ceremony will take
place on Wednesday of next week.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Jake Sterle and seconded by Tyler
Hovick to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Respectfully submitted by Max Halstead.
May 6, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 30,871.97
Incomes -- $ 2,000.00
Expenses … $ 2,023.00
Ending balance -- $30,668.97
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- April 1, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Will Halstead. There were 32 members and guests
in attendance. Jake Sterle moved and Max Halstead seconded that we approve the
agenda. Motion passed.
Max presented the secretary's report. Max moved acceptance of the report. Motion
passed. Jake Sterle presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a
current balance of $30,871.97. Jacob moved acceptance of the treasurer's report.
Motion passed.
Under old business, we heard about the results of the district ffa convention
and contests.
Under new business, we heard about the FFA state convention and contests, 2nd
grade Food for America Program, Key Cooperative Bushels for Ag program results,
little norse relays sack lunch program, community garden plans, State Fair derby
swine weigh in on Saturday, April 9th and Monsanto's fantasy farming challenge.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Tyler Hovick and seconded by Max Halstead
to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 am.
Respectfully submitted by Claire Petzenhauser
April 1, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 30,413.77
Incomes -- $ 585.67
Expenses … $ 127.47
Ending balance -- $30,871.97
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- March 4, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter Vice-President Jacob Sterle There were 26 members and guests in attendance. Zach Shadlow moved and Max Halstead seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Brayden Lester presented the secretary's report. Brayden moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Zach Shadlow presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $30,413.77. Zach moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, we heard about the the results of sub-district contests, national FFA week and grant money that has come in.
Under new business, we were informed of district contests and convention tomorrow
in Ackley, State FFA Contest and Convention at ISU next month (interested members
are to sign up on the website under "2016 State Convention",
2nd grade Food For america program, sign up for state fair tags (members planning
on showing swine and sheep need to talk to Mr. Taylor about ordering tags before
Spring Break), and Brayden visited about doing a chapter banquet..
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Max Halstead and seconded by Mason Thomas to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Respectfully submitted by Brayden Lester
March 4, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $27,911.43
Incomes -- $ 3,051.68
Expenses … $ 549.34
Ending balance -- $ 30,413.77
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- February 5, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Will McGraw. There were 43 members and guests
in attendance. Jake Sterle moved and Max Halstead seconded that we approve the
agenda. Motion passed.
Claire Petzenhauser presented the secretary's report. Claire moved acceptance
of the report. Motion passed. Zach Shadlow presented the treasurer's report
and indicated we have a current balance of $27, 911.43. Zach moved acceptance
of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, we heard about the results of the sweetheart ball dance
and the legislative symposium.
Under new business, we heard about sub-district contests on Feb 17th, grants
we've received for the garden and President McGraw talked about National FFA
week opportunities. Sign-ups were they posted for the activities.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Mason Thomas and seconded by Zach
Shadlow to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 am.
Respectfully submitted by Claire Petzenhauser
February 5, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $27,762.08
Incomes -- $ 1,223.00
Expenses … $ 1,073.65
Ending balance -- $ 27,911.43
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- January 8, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Will Halstead. There were 34 members and guests
in attendance. Zach Shadlow moved and Max Halstead seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Claire Petzenhauser presented the secretary's report. Claire moved acceptance
of the report. Motion passed. Zach Shadlow presented the treasurer's report
and indicated we have a current balance of $27, 762.08. Zach moved acceptance
of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
President Halstead invited Wyatt Erickson to read to us.
Under old business, Max reported on the outcome of the christmas party. Mr.
Taylor talked about scholarship opportunities, and Claire visited about procedures
for entering the Story County Fair.
Under new business, we heard an update on the Dance. Voting will take place
next week by only FFA and/or FCCLA members. Brayden talked about sub-district
contests and Will Halstead visted about National FFA Week activties that will
be the week of February 22 to 26th.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Jade Elliott and seconded by Will
McGraw to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Respectfully submitted by Claire Petzenhauser
January 8, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $48,209.00
Incomes -- $ 333.00
Expenses … $ 20,779.92
Ending balance -- $ 27,762.08
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- December 4, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:56 am by chapter President Will McGraw. There were 37 members and guests
in attendance. Max Halstead moved and Zach Taylor seconded that we approve the
agenda. Motion passed.
Claire Petzenhauser presented the secretary's report. Claire moved acceptance
of the report. Motion passed. Zach Shadlow presented the treasurer's report
and indicated we have a current balance of $48,209.00. Zach moved acceptance
of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
President McGraw invited Matt Weaver to read to us.
Under old business, Zach Taylor reported on the outcome of the Kids Against
Hunger program and noted that we should have 6 more helpers next year. Max Halstead
reported on the results of fruit sales and noted that the sales were $27,500
with expenses of $17,200.
Under new business, the members were updated on the Noon Christmas Party, Sweetheart
ball dance, FFA Leadership Contests, World food prize and FFA Scholarships.
It was moved by Max and seconded by Zach Shadlow to donate all extra fruit to
the local food pantry. Motion passed after discussion.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Tyler Hovick and seconded by Mason
Thomas to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 am.
Respectfully submitted by Claire Petzenhauser
December 4, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $19,526.00
Incomes -- $ 28,794.00
Expenses … $ 111.00
Ending balance -- $ 48,209.00
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- November 13, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:56 am by chapter President Will Halstead. There were 39 members and guests
in attendance. Jacob Sterle moved and Max Halstead seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Max Halstead presented the secretary's report. Max moved acceptance of the report.
Motion passed. Jacob Sterle presented the treasurer's report and indicated we
have a current balance of $19,526.00. Jacob moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Mason moved and it was seconded that Will Halstead read to us
from the book "Dumbo". Motion passed. Will read to us for 1 minute.
Under old business, we watched a video of the National Convention trip, we were
updated about the Key Coop program on grain marketing and fruit sales. Will
Halstead reported that we had a record sales this year.
Under new business, the members were updated on the Kids Against Hunger program
-- sign up on the board. We also visited about the FFA Christmas party noon
meal and on Sweetheart Ball Dance.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Tyler Hovick and seconded by Bryaden
Lester to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am.
Respectfully submitted by Max Halstead
November 13, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $26,369.18
Incomes -- $ 6.00
Expenses … $ 497.38
Ending balance -- $ 19,526.00
Roland-Story FFA Chapter
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- October 2, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Will McGraw. There were 66 members and guests
in attendance. Jacob Sterle moved and Max Halstead seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Claire Petzenhauser presented the secretary's report. Claire moved acceptance
of the report. Motion passed. Zach Shadlow presented the treasurer's report
and indicated we have a current balance of $26,369.18. Zach moved acceptance
of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Claire moved and it was seconded that Will McGraw read to us from
the book "Fox in Socks". Motion passed. Will read to us for 1 minute.
Under old business, Mr Taylor talked about the community garden. We have now
donated 4,083 pounds of produce from the garden so far this summer/fall. Katherine
Hawley spoke about the Ag I field trip on Tuesday to the ISU Agronomy Farm and
Jacob Sterle and Brayden Lester talked about the Key Cooperative program called
'Bushels for Ag".
Under new business, the members were updated on the 3rd grade farm safety program,
fruit sales, the National FFA convention where Roland-Story is sending Max Halstead,
Kade Faga, Allison Wuebker, Kat Hawley, Kyauna Abele and Angela Harestad. Max
Halstead explained the process of ordering an FFA Jacket. Jacob Sterle moved
and Zach Shadlow seconded that we donate $100 to the United Way of Story County.
Motion passed. Will Halstead talked about volunteer opportunities at Britson
Park on October 10th and about the NHS Haunted House project.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Tyler Hovick and seconded by Bryaden
Lester to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Respectfully submitted by Claire Petzenhauser
October 2, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $26,459.56
Incomes -- $ 407.00
Expenses … $ 497.38
Ending balance -- $ 26,369.18
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- September 4, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Will Halstead. There were 73 members and guests
in attendance. Max Halstead moved and Zach Shadlow seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Claire Petzenhauser presented the secretary's report. Claire moved acceptance
of the report. Motion passed. Zach Shadlow presented the treasurer's report
and indicated we have a current balance of $26,421.85. Zach moved acceptance
of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr Taylor talked about the results of the state fair and
the progress of the community garden. We have now donated 3,191 pounds of produce from the garden this summer.
Under new business, the officers introduced themselves. President McGraw visited
with the group about opportunities in the FFA adn to take advantage of them.
Jacob Sterle showed a sample of the chapter T-shirt for this year. Zach Shadlow
and Mr. Taylor explained our 'thrft account' policy for dues. President Will
talked about how we will be doing a major activity each month in the FFA. Mr.
Taylor explained about the National FFA convention and about the upcoming State
Horse Judging contest. Finally Mrs. Leytham spoke about scholarship opporunities
for Ag students.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
With no further business, it was moved by Tyler Hovick and seconded by Saber
Cory to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Respectfully submitted by Claire Petzenhauser
September 4, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $26,763.13
Incomes -- $ 340.00
Expenses … $ 681.28
Ending balance -- $ 26,421.85
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- March 6, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Logan Greinerr. There were 34 members and guests
in attendance. Will McGraw moved and Hailey Arthur seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Brayden Lester presented the secretary's report.Brayden moved acceptance of
the report. Motion passed. Austin Jewell presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $24,183.56. Austin moved acceptance of
the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr Taylor awarded certificates to sub-district and district
competitiors. He also talked about results of FFA week and how successful it
Under new business, discussion centered on State FFA Convention and a sign up
for contests was posted. There was information about letting Mr. Taylor know
if you will have animals or ag mechanics in this year's state fair, and information
on the world food prize. We also talked a little about having a community garden
and the audience was surveyed, and most thought it would be a great idea to
With no further business, it was moved by Jacob Sterle moved and seconded by
Brayden Lester to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12
Door prizes were then drawn for.
_________Brayden Lester______________
Respectfully submitted by
March 6, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $22,693.68
Incomes -- $ 1,801.00
Expenses … $ 311.12
Ending balance -- $ 24,183.56
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- February 6, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Logan Greiner. There were 36 members and guests
in attendance. Jacob Sterle moved and Hailey Arthur seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Brayden Lester presented the secretary's report.Brayden moved acceptance of
the report. Motion passed. Austin Jewell presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $22,693.68. Austin moved acceptance of
the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Hailey visited about the legislative symposium in Des Moines
and Mr. Taylor talked about an FFA grant we are receiving.
Under new business, discussion centered on the re-scheduled dance, sub-district
FFA contests, FFA week activities and Riley Wilgenbusch talked about the World
Food Prize.
With no further business, it was moved by Jacob Sterle moved and seconded by
Hailey to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
_________Brayden Lester______________
Respectfully submitted by
February 6, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $23,208.10
Incomes -- $ 0.00
Expenses … $ 514.42
Ending balance -- $ 22,693.68
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- January 16, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Hailey Arthur. There were 26 members and guests
in attendance. Jacob Sterle moved and Will Halstead seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Brayden Lester presented the secretary's report.Brayden moved acceptance of
the report. Motion passed. Austin Jewell presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $23,208.10. Austin moved acceptance of
the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor visited about the outcome of the Christmas Party,
grant from National FFA and invoices for members.
Under new business, discussion centered on the upcoming dance, sub-district
contests in Iowa Falls, bushels for Ag program, and sending the officers to
the Legislative Symposium.
With no further business, it was moved by Jacob Sterle moved and seconded by
Max Halstead to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:13
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
January 16, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $23,197.89
Incomes -- $ 250.00
Expenses … $ 239.79
Ending balance -- $ 23,208.10
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- December 5, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Logan Greiner. There were 27 members and guests
in attendance. Zach Shadlow moved and Jake Sterle seconded that we approve the
agenda. Motion passed.
Brayden Lester presented the secretary's report.Brayden moved acceptance of
the report. Motion passed. Austin Jewell presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $23,197.89. Austin moved acceptance of
the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor visited about the Kids Against Hunger program
and Nicholaus Morgan visited about the results of fruit sales.
Under new business, Bridget Concannon updated the group on her Sweetheart Ball
Dance committee. Will Halstead moved and Hailey Arthur seconded that due to
conflicts, we have an FFA breakfast party this year. Motion passed. Sign-up
needs to be done by Monday, December 15th with party on Wednesday morning December
17th. Logan Greiner visited about the 'Bushels for Ag" program. Jake Sterle
moved and it was seconded by Hailey Arthur that we participate in Key Co-ops
Bushels for Ag program. Motion passed.
With no further business, it was moved by Zach Shadlow moved and seconded by
Jake Sterle to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
December 5, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $19,650.41
Incomes -- $ 22,503.00
Expenses … $ 2,511.24
Ending balance -- $ 39,642.17outstanding bills on fruits for products and distribution to FCCLA and HOSA are $16,444.28 ... leaving an ending balance of $23,197.89
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- November 7, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Hailey Arthur. There were 46 members and guests
in attendance. Logan Greiner moved and Max Halstead seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Brayden Lester presented the secretary's report.Brayden moved acceptance of
the report. Motion passed. Austin Jewell presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $19,650.41. Austin moved acceptance of
the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Brayden, Jacob, Will and Will visited about the National
Convention trip. Mr. Taylor shared a short segment of the convention speaker.
Alyssa Miller reported on fruit sales and indicated sales were up this year.
Under new business, Jade and Zach Shadlow visited about the Kids Against Hunger
program the end of this month. Zach moved and Logan seconded that the chapter
donates $250 towards the expenses of the meals. Motion passed. Kirsten Waline,
Bridget Concannon volunteered to co-chair the Sweetheart Ball Dance with Lexi
Crutchfield. Mr. Taylor had a sign up sheet for FFA Leadership contests.
With no further business, it was moved by Jake Sterle moved and seconded by
Madison Friest to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:13
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
November 7, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $20,214.89
Incomes -- $ 800.00
Expenses … $ 1,364.48
Ending balance -- $ 19,650.41
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- October 3, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Logan Greiner. There were 37 members and guests
in attendance. Michael Friest moved and Hailey Arthur seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Brayden Lester presented the secretary's report.Brayden moved acceptance of
the report. Motion passed. Austin Jewell presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $20,214.89. Austin moved acceptance of
the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Brayden Lester visited about the farm safety program, Mr.
Taylor about chapter accomplishments with the community garden and State fair.
Under new business, Alyssa Miller talked about the Fruit Sales committee and
how they have decided upon company's to represent. Alyssa moved and Jake Sterle
seconded that we accept the committee report on products to sell. After discussion
it was voted on. Motion passed. Jade Elliott and Zach Shadlow visited about
the November program on Kids Against Hunger and that they will be holding a
committee meeting to make decisions in the next week.
With no further business, it was moved by Jake Sterle moved and seconded by
Hailey Arthur to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
October 3, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $20,285.22
Incomes -- $ 189.64
Expenses … $ 259.97
Ending balance -- $ 20,214.89
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- September 5, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Hailey Arthur. There were 27 members and guests
in attendance. Jake Sterle moved and Logan Greiner seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Brayden Lester presented the secretary's report.Brayden moved acceptance of
the report. Motion passed. Austin Jewell presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $20,285.32. Austin moved acceptance of
the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Brayden Lester visited about the chapter t-shirt design
and how it needs to be altered. Group decided upon the 'bull' as the graphic.
Under new business, Austin Jewell moved to donate $250 to the United Way of
Story County. It was seconded by Logan Greiner. Motion passed. Zach Shadlow
moved and Rachel Phelan seconded that the FFA help the United Way in updating
the red stickers on their donation signs. Motion passed. Sam and Brayden reported
on the Farm Safety committee meeting and how the safety program is planned for
Wednesday, September 17th. Bridget Concannon volunteered to be in charge of
this year's fruit sales and Zach Shadlow volunteered to be in charge of November's
Kids Against Hunger program. Mr. Taylor informed the group that applications
to attend the National FFA convention are due by Monday, September 8th.
With no further business, it was moved by Jake Sterle moved and Logan Greiner
seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
September 5, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $20,414.32
Incomes -- $ 175.00
Expenses … $ 304.10
Ending balance -- $ 20,285.22
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- August 22, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Logan Greiner. There were 63 members and guests
in attendance. Rachel Phelan moved and Brayden Lester seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Brayden Lester presented the secretary's report.Brayden moved acceptance of
the report. Motion passed. Austin Jewell presented the treasurer's report and
indicated we have a current balance of $20,414.32. Austin moved acceptance of
the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, we heard about results of the state fair from Mr. Taylor.
Under new business, the officers welcomed the members and introduced themselves.
Jesslyn spoke about opportunities in the FFA. Hailey showed the t-shirt ideas
and a vote was taken. Choice #2 was selected for this year. Austin talked about
how we operate our 'thrift account'. Logan explained about our major activities
held each month. Mr. Taylor spoke about the national FFA convention trip.
With no further business, it was moved by Brayden and seconded by hailey to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
August 22, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $22,841.34
Incomes -- $ 1,753.59
Expenses … $ 1,222.82
Ending balance -- $ 22,814.32
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- May 2, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:40 am by chapter President Sydney Berends. There were 25 members and guests
in attendance. Tavender Jones moved and Cole Birchmier seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Logan Greiner presented the secretary's report. Logan moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Cole Birchmier presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $22,841.34. Cole moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business, we heard about results of the state FFA convention, about
the Community Garden we are sponsoring and on making sure that nominations are
made for state fair by May 15.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor updated us on the 2nd grade food for america
program to be held next Tuesday. Zach Tryon visited about the 'Little Norse
Relays' sack lunch program for May 13th. Cole Birchmier visited about Scandinavian
Days parade. A sign up will be in the Ag Classroom. Lindsey Fisher moved acceptance
of the nominating committee to approve Logan Greiner and Hailey Arthur as co-presidents,
Jesslyn Coghlan as vice-president, Brayden Lester as secretary, Austin Jewll
as treasurer, Jacob Sterle as reporter, Will McGraw as sentinel and Will Halstead
as student advisor. It was seconded by Tavender Jones. Motion carried.
Mr. Taylor then presented awards and certificates from the state
FFA Convention.
With no further business, it was moved by Tavender and seconded by Cole Birchmier
to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
May 2, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $22,450.76
Incomes -- $ 1185.00
Expenses … $ 794.42
Ending balance -- $ 22,841.34
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- April 4, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:57 am by chapter President Thomas Wolgenbusch. There were 27 members and
guests in attendance. Tavender Jones moved and Cole Birchmier seconded that
we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Logan Greiner presented the secretary's report. Logan moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Cole Birchmier presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $22,450.76. Cole moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business, we heard about results of last months FFA District contests,
the Borlaug Dedication and the Winfield's community garden..
Under new business, Mr. Taylor updated us on the State FFA convention in Ames.
We will have contestants in the following events: Radio Broadcast, Ag Communications,
Ag Sales, Ag Business, Greenhand Quiz, Ag marketing, Chapter Display, Iowa Degrees
and chapter delegates. Thomas Wilgenbusch reported on the proposed 2nd grade
food for America program and how it will be structured. Sydney explained about
how we may do the chapter banquet once a date is determined. Zach Tryon reported
on the Little Norse Relays sack lunch program and how he will need 8 to 10 helpers.
Mr. Taylor mentioned that state fair nominations are open for all animals and
needs to be done by early May. Finally, chapter officer forms were handed out
to those seeking an officer position for next year.
With no further business, it was moved by Tavender and seconded by Cole Birchmier
to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
April 4, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $21,811.78
Incomes -- $ 1200.00
Expenses … $ 561.02
Ending balance -- $ 22,450.76
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- March 7, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Sydney Berends. There were 31 members and guests
in attendance. Tavender Jones moved and Thomas Wilgenbusch seconded that we
approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Logan Greiner presented the secretary's report. Logan moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Cole Birchmier presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $21,811.78. Cole moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business, we heard about results of last months FFA week activities
and from Mr. Taylor on the results of sub-district contests in Parkersburg.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor updated us on tomorrow's district FFA contests
and convention in Garner. RS will be represented by: Nicholas Morgan in the
Job Interview contest; Chase Conis in the Ag Sales contest; Riley Wilgenbusch
in the Radio Broadcast contest; Brayden Lester in the Chapter Website contest;
Jacob Sterle as our Chapter representative and Thomas Wilgenbusch, Sydney Berends
and Tavender Jones in the Chapter Program Contest. Noah Bartmess explained the
2nd grade Food For America project and the following members are signed up to
help: Noah Bartmess, Tara Rylant, Jacob Ford, Will Halstead, Wyatt Erickson,
Matt Weaver, Austin Jewell, Jake Sterle and Thomas Wilgenbusch. Mr. Taylor then
updated members on State Convention opportunities with the following contests
available: Marketing team, Ag Business team, Ag Sales team, Communications contest
team, Greenhand quiz contest and Chapter Display contest.
With no further business, it was moved by Tavender and seconded by Cole Birchmier
to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
March 7, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $20,439.85
Incomes -- $ 1440.22
Expenses … $ 68.29
Ending balance -- $21,811.78
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- February 7, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Thomas Wilgenbusch. There were 32 members in
attendance. Tavender Jones moved and Cole Birchmier seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Logan Greiner presented the secretary's report. Logan moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Cole Birchmier presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $20,439.85. Cole moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Sarah Lunn reported on the results of Sweetheart Ball Dance,
Mr. Taylor reported on results of Iowa Degrees and FFA Scholarships.
Under new business, Ross Barclay reported on the FFA Week schedule. Monday will
be pet education day, Tuesday is elementary coloring day, Wednesday is Business
and Industry Luncheon, Thursday is pride day and FFA sub-district contests and
Friday is Staff appreciation day. Mr. Taylor talked about FFA sub-districts
on February 20th in Parkeersburg. Sydney Berends moved and Tavender Jones seconded
that we do a community service project in conjuction with the Story City community
garden. Motion passed.
With no further business, it was moved by Tavender and seconded by Logan to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
February 7, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $20,025.00
Incomes -- $ 1302.00
Expenses … $ 887.15
Ending balance -- $20,439.85
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- January 10, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:56 am by chapter President Sydney Berends. There were 39 members in attendance.
Tavender Jones moved and Michael Friest seconded that we approve the agenda.
Motion passed.
Hailey Arthur presented the secretary's report. Hailey moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Cole Birchmier presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $20,025.00. Cole moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor reviewed about the Christmas Party, FFA Scholarships
and County Fair nominations.
Under new business, Sarah Lunn addressed the Sweetheart Ball and what her committee
has done. Mr. Taylor talked about the Legislative Symposium on January 27th,
Ross Barclay will be heading the National FFA Week activities and will hold
a committee meeting soon to begin plannng. Thomas Wilgenbusch moved and Sydney
Berends seconded that the FFA officers participate in the Lip Synch contest.
Mr. Taylor informed the group that 5 members will be applying for their Iowa
Degrees. It was moved by Cole Birchmier and seconded by Tavender Jones that
we work with Winfield Solutions to have a community garden this year. Motion
With no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
January 10, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $37,015.97
Incomes -- $ 125.00
Expenses … $ 17,115.97
Ending balance -- $20,025.00
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- December 6, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Thomas Wilgenbusch. There were 25 members in
attendance. Tavender Jones moved and Cole Birchmier seconded that we approve
the agenda. Motion passed.
Hailey Arthur presented the secretary's report. Hailey moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Cole Birchmier presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $37,015.95. Cole moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed. Mr. Taylor then pointed out about outstanding bills owed.
Under old business, Traci Marienau reported on the Kids Against Hunger Program
and Mr Taylor reported on the results of the fruit sales.
Under new business, Molly talked about the Christmas Party that will be held
on December 18th, Mr. visited about county and state fair sign ups. The Story
County beef weigh in date is Saturday, January 4th in Nevada at the fairgrounds
from 8 am to 11 am. Members need to let Mr. Taylor know before break begins
if they are weighing in beef animals so ear tags can be ordered.
Mr. Taylor showed a video on RS FFA activities from this year.
With no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
December 6, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 17,106.15
Incomes -- $ 21,246.69
Expenses … $ 1,337.50
Ending balance -- $37,015.97
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- November 8, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Sydney Berends. There were 28 members in attendance. Tavender Jones moved and Thomas Wilgenbusch seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Mr. Taylor showed a video from the National FFA about the National
Hailey Arthur presented the secretary's report. Hailey moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Cole Birchmier presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $17,106.15. Cole moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Will, Brayden and Jacob reported on the National Convention
Trip. Mr. Taylor reported on the outcome of fruit sales.
Under new business, Traci talked about the Kids Against Hunger program that
is on November 27th. A sign up sheet is posted. Mr. Taylor visited about the
winter Christmas Party headed by Zach and Molly and about FFA Scholarships.
With no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
November 8, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $ 16,002.27
Incomes -- $ 1,273.18
Expenses … $ 169.30
Ending balance -- $ 17,106.15
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- October 4, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:59 am by chapter President Thomas Wilgenbusch following a video introduction..
There were 24 members in attendance. Tavender Jones moved and Logan Greiner
seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Logan Greiner presented the secretary's report. Logan moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Cole Birchmier presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $16,002.27. Cole moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor informed us about the re-scheduled farm safety
program, and Ag Leadership camp. Cole informed us about the homecoming parade
and Hailey addressed the results of the district FFA soils judging contest where
Roland-Story finished 25th out of 58 teams.
Jesslyn drew 3 names for a special chance at door prizes. Mr.
Taylor asked questions to those who were selected.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor informed the group that 9 members were selected
to attend the national convention and discussion was held on sponsoring the
2013 Kids Against Hunger program for the 2nd graders. Lindsey Fisher moved that
we donate our extra box of potato chips to the local food panty. The motion
was seconded by Tavender. After discussion, the motion passed.
With no further business, it was moved by Tavender and seconded by Cole to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
October 4, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $19,923.65
Incomes -- $ 450.00
Expenses … $4,371.38
Ending balance -- $16,002.27
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- September 6, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Sydney Berends. There were 26 members in attendance.
Tavender Jones moved and Tara Rylant seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion
Logan Greiner presented the secretary's report. Logan moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Cole Birchmier presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $19,923.65. Cole moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Sydney and Mr. Taylor explained about the t-shirt order.
T-shirts should arrive by the middle of September.
Under new business, Matt Weaver and Kyle Skartvedt informed the group about
the farm safety camp for 3rd graders. Students were encouraged to sign up for
an area. Mr. Taylor informed the group about next Tuesday's Ag Leadership Camp.
Nicholas Morgan addressed where we stand on fruit sales. His committee will
be meeting to finalize a products list by October 1st. Cole Birchmier volunteered
to enter his restored tractor into the homecoming parade. Hailey Arthur, Cole
Birchmier and Michael Friest explained about the upcoming District Soils Contest
in Iowa Falls
With no further business, it was moved by Nicholas Morgan and seconded by Tavender
Jones to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
September 6, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $19,837.91
Incomes -- $ 300.00
Expenses … $214.
Ending balance -- $19,923.65
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- August 23, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order
at 7:55 am by chapter President Thomas Wilgenbusch. There were 33 members in
attendance. Tavender Jones moved and Tara Rylant seconded that we approve the
agenda. Motion passed.
Logan Greiner presented the secretary's report. Logan moved acceptance of the
report. Motion passed. Cole Birchmier presented the treasurer's report and indicated
we have a current balance of $19,837.91. Cole moved acceptance of the treasurer's
report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Lindsey Fisher reported on the state fair results. Roland-Story
won the 2013 State Fair Ag Demonstrations contest.
Under new business, discussion was held on committee chairs. This year the committees
and chairs are: Farm Safety, Jacob Sterle, Matthew Weaver, and Kyle Skartvedt.
Fruit Sales are Austin Jewell and Nicholas Morgan. Kids Against Hunger is Traci
Marienau. Christmas party is Zach Hovick and Molly Fink. Sweetheart Ball Dance
is Anna Halstead and Sarah Lunn. FFA week is Ross Barclay. Banquet are Sydney
Berends and Thomas Wilgenbusch. Food For America is Noah Bartmess and Tara Rylant.
Little Norse Relays sack lunch program is Zach Tryon. Community Services is
Rachel Phelan.
Sydney showed the t-shirt that she has designed for this year and indicated
is would cost around $10 each. Zach Hovick moved and Molly Fink seconded that
we donate $100 to the United Way of Story County. Motion passed.
Mr. Taylor visited about attending the National FFA Convention in October and
November. Members who haven’t signed up should do so. RS will have about
8 to 10 seats on the charter bus.
With no further business, it was moved by Tara Rylant and seconded by Molly
Fink to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
August 23, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance ......... $21,209.15
Incomes -- $ 557.00
Expenses … $1, 928.24
Ending balance -- $19,837.91
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- May 3, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter Vice-President josh Holmes. There were 36 members in attendance. Lexi Crutchfield moved and Alex Muhlenburg seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Sydney Berends presented the secretary's report. Sydney moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Ben Gerdes presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $21,010.28. Ben moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, .Mr. Taylor reported on the state convention and how members did. Ryan Skaar reported on the 2nd Grade Food For America program and indicated it went well. Mr. Taylor reminded members about paying fees.
Under new business, discussion was held on the sack lunch program for the Little Norse Relays. Danielle Retallick moved and Michaella Fevold seconded that we accept the nominating committee's report for the new slate of FFA officers. Motion passed. New officers are: Presidents -- Sydney Berends and Thomas Wilgenbusch; VP -- Tavender Jones; Secretary -- Logan Greiner; Treasurer -- Cole Birchmier; Reporter -- Hailey Arthur; Sentinel -- Jesslyn Coghlan and Student Advisor -- Lindsey Fisher. Ryan Skaar moved and Tavender Jones seconded that we donate $100 towards the swine barn renovation at the county fair grounds. Motion passed. Students interested in showing livestock at the county or state fair should let Mr. Taylor know.
With no further business, it was moved by Danielle Retallick and seconded by Josh Holmes to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 am.
Respectfully submitted by
May 3, 2021
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $21,062.96
Incomes -- $ 888.00
Expenses … $ 940.68
Ending balance -- $21,010.28
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- April 5, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Paige Petzenhauser. There were 42 members in attendance. Tavender Jones moved and Josh Holmes seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Danielle Retallick presented the secretary's report. Danielle moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Josh Holmes presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $21,062.96. Josh moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Tyler Hougland reported on the result of district contests. Nathan Severseike reported on the Iowa Renewable Energy Conference in Nevada.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor reported on upcoming opportunities in the State FFA convention in Ames later this month. Ryan Skaar reported on the 'Food For America' program for 2nd graders. Tyler addressed setting up/planning for the banquet. Mr. Taylor informed the group about the Little Norse Relays sack lunch program. Tyler handed out officer application forms which will be due back in two weeks.
A movie was then shown about 'calving' as it relates to global warming concerns.
With no further business, it was moved by Lexi Crutchfield and seconded by Tavender Jones to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am.
Respectfully submitted by
April 5, 2021
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $21,377.61
Incomes -- $ 0.00
Expenses … $ 314.65
Ending balance -- $21,062.96
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- March 8, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:57 am by chapter President Tyler Hougland. There were 32 members in attendance. Danielle Retallick moved and Tara Rylant seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Sydney Berends presented the secretary's report. Sydney moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Logan Greiner presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $22,105.95. Logan moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor reported on the result of sub-district contests. Joe Gast reported on FFA week activities, and Paige reported on our Leadership trip to the John Deere plant in Ankeny.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor reported on district contests to be held in St. Ansgar on Saturday and about opportunities to compete in the State FFA convention in Ames next month. It was moved by Danielle and seconded by Tavender that we attend and compete at the State Convention. Motion passed. Ryan Skaar volunteered to chair the Food for America committee. It was moved by Michaella and seconded by Tara to appoint Ryan as chair. Motion passed. It was moved by Ryan and seconded by Thomas to appoint Tara as chair of the Little Norse Relays sack lunch program. Motion passed. Mr. Taylor informed the members about the Iowa Renewable Energy conference on March 27th in Nevada. If interested, they should sign up with Mr. Olson or Mr. Taylor.
With no further business, it was moved by Josh Holmes and seconded by Nathan Severseike to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am.
Respectfully submitted by
March 8, 2021
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $22,105.95
Incomes -- $ 0.00
Expenses … $ $ 728.34
Ending balance -- $21,377.61
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- February 13, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter Vice-President Michaella Fevold. There were 37 members in attendance. Josh Holmes moved and Logan Greiner seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Sydney Berends presented the secretary's report. Sydney moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Josh Holmes presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $21,911.31. Josh moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Paige reported on the Sweetheart Ball dance and Tyler reported on the Bushels for Agriculture program.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor reported on sub-district contests being next week in State Center. Josh, Tavender, Ryan, Maggie and Mr. Taylor reported on activities pertaining to National FFA week. Sign up sheets were available. Paige reported on our opportunity to attend the John Deere Leadership program. She reported it would be on Wednesday, March 6th during periods 1 through 5 in Ankeny. A sign up sheet was available.
With no further business, it was moved by Josh Holmes and seconded by Tavender Jones to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
February 13, 2021
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $21,911.31
Incomes -- $ 1890.62
Expenses … $ 1695.98
Ending balance -- $22,105.95
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- January 9, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Paige Petzenhauser. There were 31 members in attendance. Danielle Retallick moved and Sydney Berends seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Danielle Retallick presented the secretary's report. Danielle moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Ryan Skaar presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $21,911.31. Ryan moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Josh Holmes talked about the christmas party and Mr. Taylor talked about the bushels for agriculture program.
Under new business, Paige talked about the sweetheart ball dance and indicated their would be a meeting on Monday. Mr. Taylor talked about the opportunity available for FFA contests and discussion was held on national FFA week activities. It was moved by Ryan Skaar and seconded by Josh Holmes to approve Joe Gast as National FFA week committee chair. Motion passed.
With no further business, it was moved by Josh Holmes and seconded by Tavender Jones to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
January 9, 2021
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $39,469.88
Incomes -- $ 0.00
Expenses … $ 17,558.57
Ending balance -- $21,911.31
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- November 28, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Tyler Hougland. There were 38 members in attendance. Michaella Fevold moved and Danielle Retallick seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Sydney Berends presented the secretary's report. Sydney moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Ben Gerdes presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $39,469.88. Ben moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor showed a slide show of FFA activities. Josh Holmes visited with the group about the National FFA convention trip. Mariah Keech visited about fruit sales and Mr. Taylor reported on the Kids against Hunger program.
Under new business, Danielle Retallick moved and Mchaella Fevold seconded that we participate in the co-ops Bushels for Ag program. Motion passed. Sidney moved and Mariah seconded that we have a Christmas party. Riley Wilgenbusch moved to refer this to a special committee. Motion passed. Committee appointed is Ryan Skaar, Tavender Jones and Logan Greiner. Paige update everyone on the Sweetheart Ball Dance.
With no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:21 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
November 28, 2020
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $16,171.88
Incomes -- $ 25,126.13
Expenses … $ 1,828.12
Ending balance -- $39,469.88
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- October 17, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Paige Petzenhauser. There were 36 members in attendance. Logan Greiner moved and Tavender Jones seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Sydney Berends presented the secretary's report. Sydney moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Josh Holmes presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $16,171.88. Josh moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Tavender Jones reported on the 3rd grade farm safety program that is was successful and about the farm safety program at the co-op for area farmers. Michaella Fevold reported on the outcome of the 2012 Iowa Hunger Summit which was attended by the senior FFA officers.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor reported on the upcoming national convention. Thomas Wilgenbusch reported on the fruit sales committee and moved that we accept the committee report to use Minn-Tex and Harmisons this year. It was seconded by Josh Holmes. Motion carried. Jordann Middendorf reported on next months "Kids against hunger' program. She moved that we can spend up to $750 of the chapter money to pay for the project. It was seconded by Zach Hovick. A vote was taken, motion passed.
With no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
October 17, 2020
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $19,208.55
Incomes -- $ 0.00
Expenses … $ 3,036.67
Ending balance -- $16,171.88
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- September 19, 2020
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Tyler Hougland. There were 48 members in attendance. Paige Petzenhauser moved and Cole Englehardt seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Paige presented the secretary's report. Paige moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Josh Holmes presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $19,208.55. Josh moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor reported on the Ag Leadership Camp.
Under new business, Tavender and Cole addressed tomorrow's farm safety camp for 3rd graders. Nate Severseike volunteered to head the FFA entry in the Homecoming parade. Paige talked about the Iowa Hunger Summit and Mr. Taylor indicated that any senior wishing to sign up should do so with him. It is Tuesday, October 16. Mr. Taylor updated the group on the national FFA Convention and procedures on going. Paige Petzenhauser moved and Cole Englehardt seconded that we approve Thomas Wilgenbusch and Mariah Keech as chairs for the fruit sales. Motion passed. The officer nominating committee report was presented. Presidents were: Tyler Hougland and Paige Petzenhauser; V-P were: Josh Holmes and Michaella Fevold; Treasurer is Ben Gerdes; Secretary's were: Danielle Retallick and Sydney Berends; Reporters were: Tavender Jones and Thomas Wilgenbusch; Sentinel is Ryan Skaar; and Student Advisor is Logan Greiner.
With no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
September 19, 2020
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $20,140.94
Incomes -- $ 136.40
Expenses … $ 1,068.79
Ending balance -- $19,208.55
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- August 28, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 am by chapter President Tyler Hougland. There were 62 members in attendance. Joe Gast moved and Parker Wutthuhn seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Danielle Retallick presented the secretary's report. Danielle moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Josh Holmes presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $20,140.94. Josh moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor reported on the state fair results and members who participated.
Under new business, discussion was held on committee members. Members interested in chairing a committee are to sign up with one of the vice-presidents. Officer applications were made available with elections to take place next month. Membership sign up is online and that is where t-shirt sizes are recorded. It was moved by Danielle Retallick and seconded by Michaella Fevold to donate $100 to the United Way. Josh Holmes moved and Ryan Skaar seconded to amend the motion to change it to $250. Motion and amendment both passed. Mr. Taylor will hold a meeting next week for members interested in attending the national convention.
With no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
August 28, 2021
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $19,388.685
Incomes -- $ 1,225.00
Expenses … $ 472.740
Ending balance -- $20,140.94
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- May 4, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 am by chapter President Tyler Hougland. There were 22 members in attendance. Jace Klein moved and Sean Weaver seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Danielle Retallick presented the secretary's report. Danielle moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Josh Holmes presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $ $19, 388.65. Paige Petzenhauser moved and Jace Klein seconded acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor reported on the state convention, handed out certificates and visited about interest in attending the National Convention in the fall.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor read off names of members who signed up to help at the Little Norse Relays and went over their duties. The meals will cost approximately $780. At this point in time, area businesses have donated $700 toward the meals. For Scandinavian Days, Jace Klein moved and Sean Weaver seconded that we can spend up to $100 towards the purchase of candy for the parade. The motion passed. Sydney Berends moved and Josh Holmes seconded that we volunteer our services for clean up duties at the celebration. Motion passed. Discussion was then held that anyone having animals at the county or state fairs are in charge of their own signage/decorations for pens.
With no further business, it was moved by Jace Klein and seconded by Tavender Jones to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
May 4, 2021
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $21,195.85
Incomes -- $ 650.00
Expenses … $2,457.17State Convention ….. $485.00
Recognition breakfast … $180.00
State/national Dues …… $750.00
Miscellaneous items ….. $176.17
State Fair Nominations … $ 80.00
Little Norse Sack Lunches $786.00
Ending balance -- $19,388.68
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- April 5, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 am by chapter President Tyler Hougland. There were 37 members in attendance. Paige Petzenhauser moved and Sean Weaver seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Danielle Retallick presented the secretary's report. Danielle moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Paige Petzenhauser presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $ $21,195.85. Paige moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Ryan Skaar reported on the outcome of the District Convention and contests, Tyler Hougland on the High School communications night and Mr. Taylor on the Iowa State fair nomination of animals.
Mr. Taylor then informed the chapter members about teams competing in the State Convention in Ag Business, Ag Sales, Market Plan, Ag Communications, Greenhand quiz and chapter display. There was discussion on switching of the banquet as many members having conflicts with the proposed date. alternative is to look at a morning recognition breakfast. Mr. Taylor addressed the topic of 'Little Norse Relays" and how we will need 10 to 12 members to coordinate the sack lunches for the students and another 6 to operate the concessions for adults. Sign up will be next week.
With no further business, it was moved by Tim Schlorholtz and seconded by Tavender Jones to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
April 5, 2021
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $ 21,642. 15
Incomes -- $ 0.00
Expenses … $446.30
Ending balance -- $21,195.85
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- March 2, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 am by chapter President Tyler Hougland. There were 33 members in attendance. Jace Klein moved and Tim Schlorholtz seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Paige Petzenhauser presented the secretary's report. Paige moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Michaella Fevold presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $ 21,063.85. Michaella moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Jace Klein moved and Ben Brown seconded that we pay our National and State dues. Motion passed. The officers then did a skit on 'official dress'. Mr. Taylor then visited with the group about contests we are entered in for the state convention. It was then moved by Jace Klein and seconded by Michaella Fevold that we hold our banquet on Sunday, April 15th. Motion passed.
Mr. Taylor then informed the chapter members that they need to sign up with him if they are planning on showing swine or sheep at the state fair.
With no further business, it was moved by Sydney Berends and seconded by Tim Schlorholtz to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
March 2, 2021
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $ 21,642. 15
Incomes -- $ 0.00
Expenses … 605.30
Ending balance -- $ 21,063.85
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- February 3, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Tyler Hougland. There were 32 members in attendance. Jace Klein moved and Tim Schlorholtz seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Danielle Retallick presented the secretary's report. Jace Klein moved and Sean Weaver seconded acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Josh Holmes presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $21,642.15. Josh moved acceptance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Michaella Fevold reviewed the Sweetheart Ball Dance and indicated it was a success. Tyler Hougland and Mr. Taylor explained that Danielle was appointed secretary at the executive meeting to replace Lizzie who moved.
Under new business, Ben Brown visited about opportunities to be involved in with National FFA Week. On Monday, February 20th, we will have an 'elementary school pet education' program. Tuesday will be a 'Business and Industry' luncheon. Wednesday will be 'pride day'. Thursday is grilling day and Friday is 'Business appreciation day'.
Mr. Taylor then presented dates for upcoming leadership activities. Sub-districts in Nevada, Districts in Grundy Center, and State in Ames at ISU.
With no further business, it was moved by Jace Klein and seconded by Tim Schlorholtz to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
February 3, 2021
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $20,711.10.
Incomes -- $ 1,871.50
Expenses … 940.45
Ending balance -- $ 21,642. 15
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -- January 13, 2021
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Tyler Hougland. There were 23 members in attendance. Jace Klein moved and Sean Weaver seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Lizzie Miller presented the secretary's report. Lizzie moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Josh Holmes presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $20,711.10.. Ryan Skaar moved accpetance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Josh reviewed the Christmas party and indicated it was a success. Josh also updated the chapter on outstanding bills and invoices that need to be paid by the end of the year..
Under new business, Paige presented the sweetheart ball dance committee report and indicated that colors were decided upon and that voting would take place on Monday during the lunch period. Mr. Taylor handed out District officer application forms and updated the chapter members on Leadership contests to be held in Nevada on February 9th. Ben Brown asked for ideas about national FFA week and the following suggestions were offered: Pride day, Business/Industry luncheon, Pet Education at elementary, picture with lamb, and grilling hamburgers for the school..
With no further business, it was moved by Jace Klein and seconded by Sean Weaver to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
January 13, 2021
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance ......... $20,440.73
Incomes -- $ 617.24
Expenses … 346.87
Ending balance -- $ 20,711.10.
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -December 2, 2011
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 am by chapter President Ryan Skaar. There were 32 members in attendance. Tim Schlorholtz moved and Jace Klein seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Paige Petzenhauser presented the secretary's report. Paige moved acceptance of the report. Motion passed. Josh Holmes presented the treasurer's report and indicated we have a current balance of $20,440.73. Josh moved accpetance of the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Mr. Taylor indicated that the "Kids against Hunger" program was successful from last Wednesday for all the 2nd graders.
Under new business, Josh Holmes handed out invoices to members owing money. Josh visited about the FFA Christmas Party and started a signup sheet. The party will be on Friday, December 16th during period 5 in the Ag Room. Paige Petzenhauser visited about the Sweetheart Ball Dance and indicated that colors had been selected and that the dance court will decide the theme song. Ryan Skaar visited about the 'clubbin with NHS' scheduled for Saturday evening and that Michaella Fevold would be dealing cards. He asked for additional volunteers to help deal and Molly Fink volunteered. FFA will provide the pennies for the game and all pennies won will be donated to the free will offering for "JD". Mr. Taylor visited about FFA Leadership contests.
With no further business, it was moved by Sean Weaver and seconded by Tim Schlorholtz to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
December 2, 2020
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance......... $ 15,747.03
Incomes -- $ 23,609.50
$ 750.00 from donations
$ 22,859.50 from fruit sales
Expenses --- $ 17,915.80
Fruit sales …. $14,883.00
Fruit sales … $ 800.00 gift cards
Fruit sales … $ 225.00 top sales gift cards
Fruit sales .. HOSA & FCCLA shares … $2,800
misc. expenses.. $ 207.80
Ending balance -- $20,440.73
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -November 11, 2011
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Tyler Hougland. There were 43 members in attendance. Jace Klein moved and Sean Weaver seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Lizzie Miller presented the secretary's report. Jace Klein moved acceptance of the report. The Treasurer's report was given by Josh Holmes. Lizzie Miller moved its acceptance. Since these are officer reports, they carry an implied second. There were no additions or corrections to the reports. Both motions passed.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor and Michaella visited about the World Food Prize. Josh Holmes reported on the National FFA Convention. Mr. Taylor visited about the preliminary results of fruit sales and indicated sales were up from a year ago.
Under new business, Jordann Middendorf visited about the "kids against hunger' program. It is on November 23 and members need to sign up during the meeting to be helpers. Jace Klein moved and Sean Weaver seconded that we help with the NHS Clubbing night on December 3rd. Kara Keigan, Michaella Fevold, and Lizzie Miller are in charge of deciding on an activity for the FFA. Motion passed. Josh Holmes talked about the Christmas Party and it will be on December 16th during period 5. Ryan Skaar moved and Sean Weaver seconded that we participate in the Key Cooperative's "bushels for Ag" program. Motion passed.
With no further business, it was moved by Ryan Skaar and seconded by Sean Weaver to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
November 11, 2020
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance......... $ 16,380.22
Incomes -- $ 250.00
Expenses --- $ 883.19
Ending balance -- $15,747.03
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -October 7, 2011
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Ryan Skaar. Jace Klein moved that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Lizzie Miller presented the secretary's report. Jace Klein moved acceptance of the report. The Treasurer's report was given by Josh Holmes. Ben Brown moved its acceptance. Since these are officer reports, they carry an implied second. There were no additions or corrections to the reports. Both motions passed.
Jesslym Coghlan reported on the Agriculture Leadership Camp held in September.
Zach Tryon reported on the Farm Safety camp which was held on October 6th for all the 3rd graders.
Tyler Hougland gave a presentation on major activities by month that the FFA has been involved in.
Ashley Staton spoke about the "Kids Against Hunger" program that our chapter does on a yearly basis for all 2nd graders. Ashley moved that the chapter donates $500 towards this year's program. It was seconded by Jace Klein. Motion passed.
Paige Petzenhauer moved and Lizzie Miller seconded that we approve the list of members attending this year's National Convention. Motion passed
Cole Engelhardt talked about the Farm Safety program at the area co-op.
Jace Klein moved and Michaella Fevold seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
October 7, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance......... $ 19,029.22
Incomes -- $ 400.00
Expenses --- $ 2,369.00
Ending balance -- $16,380.22
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -September 2, 2011
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Tyler Hougland. There were 47 members in attendance. Jace Klein moved and Tim Schlorholtz seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Paige Petzenhauser presented the secretary's report. Jace Klein moved acceptance of the report. The Treasurer's report was given by Josh Holmes. Jace Klein who moved its acceptance. Since these are officer reports, they carry an implied second. There were no additions or corrections to the reports. Both motions passed.
Ryan Skaar visited with the group about how the chapter thrift account works.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor reported on the results of the Iowa State Fair. Josh Holmes reported on the results of the Iowa FFA Livestock judging contest.
Under new business, discussion was held on committee chairs. It was moved by Sydney Berends and seconded by Jace Klein to approve Mariah Keech and Kaylee Wellick for Fruit sales; Paige Petzenhauser and Michaella Fevold for Sweetheart Ball Dance; Sarah Lunn and Anna Halstead for 'Food for America'; Josh Holmes for Christmas party; Thomas Wilgenbusch, Jace Klein and Cole Engelhardt for Little Norse Relays; Jordann Middendorf and Ashley Staton for Kids Against Hunger; Ben Brown for National FFA Week. Paige visited with group about the chapter T-shirt design contest. Jace Klein moved and Sean Weaver seconded that we donate $100 to the Story County United Way. Motion passed. Jace Klein moved and Tavendar Jones seconded that we provide a free meal at the area co-op with our annual farm safety day. Motion passed. Mr. Taylor updated group on National FFA Convention. Interested students need to have their name into him by Wednesday, September 6th..
Sydney Berends moved and Sean Weaver seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
September 2, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance......... $ 17, 665.43
Incomes -- $ 2,136.20
Expenses --- $ 772.31
Ending balance -- $19,029.22
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -May 6, 2011
The regular meeting of the RS FFA chapter was called to order at 7:58 am by chapter President Jenny Olson. There were 36 members in attendance. Maddie Oliver moved and Tim Schlorholtz seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Sarah Youngman presented the secretary's report. Sarah moved acceptance of the report. The Treasurer's report was given by Tyler Hougland who moved its acceptance. Since these are officer reports, they carry an implied second. There were no additions or corrections to the reports. Both motions passed.
Josh Holmes updated the group on the Story County Youth Volunteer Award that was presented to our chapter last month.
Under new business, Maddie Oliver informed the group of the Little Norse Relays opportunities which included sack lunches and concessions stand work. A sign up list was set out. Tiffany Heifner moved and Mykel Carlson seconded the officer elections process and application. Motion passed. Maddie Oliver moved and tiffany Heifner seconded that we have an entry in the Scandinavian Days Parade. Motion passed. Jenny Olson asked for volunteers for helping to clean up at Scandianavian days and members responded that they would be willing to help. Updates were given on fair dates and entry procedures with members about the County and State fair entry's. FFA members need to sign up their own county fair entry's by June 24th and he does all state fair entry's by July 1st. Mariah Keech presented an opportunity to work at the State Fair in the Cattlemen's tent. Interested members are to contact her. Jace Klein moved and Maddie Oliver seconded that we donate a picnic table to the Central Iowa Habitat for Humanity organization. After discussion, the motion passed.
Sarah Youngman moved and Maddie Oliver seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 am.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
May 6, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance......... $ 16,604.93
Incomes -- $ 1,311.57
Expenses --- $ 251.07
Ending balance -- $17,665.43
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -March 4, 2011
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Kenton Betz. There were 29 members in attendance. It was moved by Tiffany Heifner and seconded by Maddie Oliver to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Tiffany Heifner. It was moved by Tiffany to accept the minutes. Motion carried. Tyler Hougland presented the treasurer's report. It was moved by Tyler to accept the report. Motion carried.
Under old business Ben Brown reviewed the results of National FFA Week and said it was successful. Mr. Taylor visited with the group about sub-district FFA contest results.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor visited about the upcoming FFA Banquet and chapter officers handed out invitations. Mr. Taylor also visited about the School Board Communications meeting, District convention and contests, SCYP applications, opportunities to particiapte in the State FFA convention, county and state fair updates, and about sponsoring a 2nd grade food for America Program in April.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Brian Lunn and seconded by Jenny Olson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am by President Betz.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
March 4, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance......... $ 15,758.80
Incomes...........$ 1,340.81
Expenses ...... $ 494.68
Ending balance..........$ 16,604.93
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -February 4, 2011
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 AM by Chapter President Jenny Olson. There were 32 members in attendance. It was moved by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Mykel Carlson to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Paige Petzenhauser. It was moved by Maddie Oliver to accept the minutes. Motion carried. Tyler Hougland presented the treasurer's report. It was moved by Tim Schlorholtz to accept the report. Motion carried.
Under old business Carissa Myers reviewed the results of the Sweetheart Ball Dance and said it was successful. Mr. Taylor visited with the group about sub-district FFA contests and opportunities.
Under new business, Ben Brown visited about National FFA week activities and indicated there were activities set for each day. Monday will be grilling, Tuesday will be staff breakfast/pride day, Wednesday will be the Business and Industry day, Thursday will be Elementary education day, and Friday will be Ag Business appreciation day.
Information was presented about the 2011 FFA Banquet, which we are scheduling for Sunday, March 27th, district FFA convention in Boone on March 5th and about the State Convention opportunities on April 14 and 15 in Des Moines.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Tim Schlorholtz to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am by President Olson.
Door prizes were then drawn for.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
February 4, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance......... $ 15,675.09
Incomes...........$ 1,346.00
Expenses ...... $1,262.29
Ending balance..........$ 15,758.80
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -January 7, 2011
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:57 AM by Chapter President Kenton Betz. There were 36 members in attendance. It was moved by Tiffany Heifner and seconded by Jenny Olson to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Tiffany Heifner. It was moved by Maddie Oliver to accept the minutes. Motion carried. Tyler Hougland presented the treasurer's report. It was moved by Brian Lunn to accept the report. Motion carried.
Under old business Tyler Hougland reviewed the Christmas party and said it was successful. He also addressed the outstanding bills and invoices that members have and that those should be paid by the end of the school year.
Under new business, Paige Petzenhauser reported on the Sweetheart Ball Dance committee work. Colors have been selected, a DJ has been hired and advance tickets have been decided upon.
It was moved by Tiffany Heifner and seconded by Jace Klein that we donate $250 towards the cancer awareness program to be held in conjunction with Pink Out night. Motion passed.
Mr Taylor commented on district officer application forms and sub-district leadership contests which happen in February.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Tim Schlorholtz to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 am by President Betz..
Jenny Olson then drew for door prizes.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
January 7, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance......... $ 16,116.69
Incomes...........$ 154.00
Expenses ...... $595.60
Ending balance..........$ 15,675.09
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -December 3, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter Vice-President Maddie Oliver. There were 32 members in attendance. It was moved by Jenny Olson and seconded by Jace Klein to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Paige Petzenhauser. It was moved by Pagie and seconded by Tiffany Heifner to accept the minutes. Motion carried. Tyler Hougland presented the treasurer's report. It was moved by Tyler Hougland and seconded by Jenny Olson to accept the report. Motion carried.
Under old business Tiffany Heifner reviewed last week's Kids against Hunger program.
Under new business, the Sweetheart Ball Dance reported on their committee work. It was moved by Lizzie Miller and seconded by Paige Petzenhauer to accept their report. Motion passed.
Tyler Hougland reported on the planned FFA Christmas party. Tyler moved and Lizzie Miller seconded the report. Motion passed.
Maddie Oliver reported on next months "Pink Out Night" by the girls basketball team and how that committee is looking for helper. Lizzie Miller moved and Ryan Skaar seconded that we volunteer. Motion passed.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Jenny Olson and seconded by Tiffany Heifner to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 am by Vice-President Oliver.
Jenny Olson then drew for door prizes.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
December 3, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance......... $ 33,821.16
Incomes...........$ 500
Expenses ...... $17,704.47
Ending balance..........$ 16,116.69
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -November 12, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Jennifer Olson. There were 38 members in attendance. It was moved by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Sarah Youngman to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Sarah Youngman. It was moved by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Jace Klein to accept the minutes. Motion carried. Ryan Skaar presented the treasurer's report. It was moved by Tyler Hougland and seconded by Maddie Oliver to accept the report. Motion carried.
Under old business Mr. Taylor reviewed chapter activities with a video. Kendall Gustafson reported on the results of the fruit sales. Jordann Middendorf and Tavender Jones reported on the National FFA convention trip.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor updated members on the November 24th 'Kids against hunger program'. A sign up sheet was out for members to volunteer to help.
Tyler Hougland will be having a committee meeting to plan out the December christmas party.
Kylie Anderson and Lizzie Miller have volunteered to head the 2011 Sweetheart Ball Dance.
Mr. Taylor explained the Key Cooperative proposal called 'bushels for agriculture' marketing program. It was moved by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Sarah Youngman to participate. Motion passed.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Ben Brown and seconded by Tim Schlorholtz to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am by President Olson.
Ben Brown then drew for door prizes.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
November 12, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 17,247.84Incomes
$ 21,719.50Expenses --- $5,145.73
$ 2250.00 to National Convention
$ 750.00 to State and National FFA for Dues
$ 662.43 to The Graphic Edge for t-shirts
$ 1250.00 to Outreach International for 2nd Grade Food Packaging
$ 233.30 for miscellaneous itemsNo Fruit sales expenses have come in yet. Anticipate that to be $16,000
Ending balance
$ 33,821.16
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -October 1, 2010The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Kenton Betz. There were 46 members in attendance. It was moved by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Jenny Olson to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Tiffany Heifner. It was moved by Tiffany and seconded by Maddie Oliver to accept the minutes. Motion carried. Tyler Hougland presented the treasurer's report. It was moved by Tyler and seconded by Mykel Carlson to accept the report. Motion carried.
Under old business Mr. Taylor reviewed our donation to United Way for $250 and our Fall Leadership camp.
Under new business, Kendall Gustafson visited about his fruit sales committee. Maddie Oliver moved and Mykel Carlson seconded that we approve the committee report that we go with Harmisons for our cheese and sausage. Motion passed.
Mr. Taylor informed the group that Michaella Fevold will be representing Roland-Story at the 2010 World Food Prize and congratulated her for this accomplishment.
Mykel Carlson informed the group about her program on "Kids against Hunger". Jace moved and Jenny Olson seconded that we allow $1,250 to be spent on packaging supplies. A sign up sheet was handed around.
Tiffany Heifner moved and Jenny Olson seconded that we approve the 8 applicants from our chapter to attend the National Convention. Motion passed. The members going are Tavender Jones, Jordann Middendorf, Paige Petzenhauser, Michaella Fevold, Brianna Baker, Tyler Hougland, Josh Holmes, and Ben Gerdes.
Mr. Taylor informed the group about the re-scheduled farm safety program for elementary students.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Jace Klein to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am by President Betz.
Ben Brown then drew for door prizes.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
October 1, 2020
Treasurer's ReportBeginning balance
$ 18,822.90Incomes
$ 587.50Expenses
$ 1,483.44Ending balance
$ 17,247.84d presented the treasurer's report. It was moved by Tyler and seconded by Ryan Skaar to accept the report. Motion carried.
Under old business Mr. Taylor reviewed the process of ordering official jackets and chapter t-shirts.
Under new business, Tiffany Heifner moved and Maddie Oliver seconded that we donate $250 to the United Way of Story County. After discussion, the motion passed. Kenton Betz moved and Jace Klein seconded that we have an entry in the Homecoming parade and that we can spend up to $50 on candy to give out to the elementary students. Motion passed. Ryan Skaar moved and Tyler Hougland seconded that we pay for the sack lunches for the Ag Leadership Camp. Mr. Taylor mentioned that all money spent will be received by donations from area businesses. Motion passed. Maddie Oliver moved and Jace Klein seconded that we renew our subscription to the Story City Herald. Motion passed. Tiffany Heifner moved and Kenton Betz seconded that we purchase a plaque for the 2010 Iowa Degree recipients. Motion passed. It was moved by Maddie and seconded by Kenton Betz that we purchase a gift card for Paul Voga to show our appreciation for Pioneers donations this summer. Discussion on how much as discussed. The motion passed that we spend up to $50 on the gift card.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Tiffany Heifner to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am by President Olson.
Ben Brown then drew for door prizes.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
September 3, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 9,403.70Incomes
$ 947.00Ending balance
$ 18,822.90
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -May 7, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Kenton Betz. There were 22 members in attendance. It was moved by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Tiffany Heifner to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Sarah Youngman. It was moved by Jenny Olson and seconded by Tiffany Heifner to accept the minutes. Motion carried. Maddie Oliver presented the treasurer's report. It was moved and seconded to accept the report. Motion carried.
Under old business Mr. Taylor reviewed results of the state convention from last month.
Under new business, Maddie Oliver updated us on next week's sack lunch program for the "little norse relays'. Mr. Taylor updated us on summer contest opportunities, state and county fair updates and community service projects with the Scandinavian Days clean up. Tiffany Heifner moved and Jenny Olson seconded that we spend no more than $120 on candy for the parade. Motion passed. The nominating committee report for chapter officers was presented. Presidents were Kent Betz and Jenny Olson; Vice presidents were Maddie Oliver and Sarah Youngman; secretary's were Tiffany Heifner and Paige Petzenhauser; Reporter was Michaella Fevold; Treasurers were: Tyler Hougland and Ryan Skaar; Sentinels were: Tyler Johnston and Ben Brown; and Student Advisor was Josh Holmes. It was moved by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Jace Klein to accept the nominating committee report. Motion passed.
Tiffany Heifner updated us on the status of making up the '2nd grade Food for America' program.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Jace Klein to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 am by President Betz.
Jacob Ostrem then drew for door prizes.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
May 7, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 9,325.06Incomes
$60 0.00Expenses
$ 521.36Ending balance
$ 9,403.70
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -April 2, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:46 AM by Chapter President Jacob Ostrem. There were 19 members in attendance. It was moved by Jenny Olson and seconded by Maddie Oliver to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Sarah Youngman. Since officer reports carry an implied second, the report was accepted. Maddie Oliver presented the treasurer's report. It also has an implied second and was approved.
Under old business Mr. Taylor reviewed results of the district convention, horticulture programs for kindergarten classes and state fair entries.
Under new business, Jacob Ostrem gave updates on the upcoming State FFA Convention and contests, 2nd grade program on 'Food for America' in which Tiffany and Sarah will arrange a date with Mrs. Olson, Little Norse Relays (Kayla Nielson, Justin Uthe, Jacob Ostrem, Jace Klein, Mariah Keech, and Tim Schlorholtz volunteered to operate the adult concession stand), officer elections and state fair updates on the market broiler class.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Tim Schlorholtz to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:04 am by President Ostrem.
Maddie Oliver then drew for door prizes.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
April 2, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 9,531.98Incomes
$ 0.00Expenses
$ 206.92Ending balance
$ 9,325.06
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -March 5, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Kenton Betz. There were 26 members in attendance. It was moved by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Jordan Brown to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Sarah Youngman. Jordan Brown moved and Abbey Sindt seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Maddie Oliver presented the treasurer's report. Jenny Olson moved and Jordan Brown seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Abbey Sindt (elementary pet education), Jordan Brown (FFA pride day), Jace Klein (grilling), and Jenny Olson (business and industry luncheon) summarized their events from National FFA Week.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor informed the group about district convention in Forest City, opportunities at the State FFA Convention --dates and contests, about the State Fair Vet Camp, AGR Scholarship and ISU Block and Bride spring lamb show. Maddie Oliver talked about the 'Little Norse Relays and her committee on sack lunches. There was also discussion on doing a 'Food for America' program for 2nd graders. Sarah Youngman volunteered to head that committee. There was a sign up for interested members. The tentative date would be Wednesday, April 14th.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Jordan Brown to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am by President Betz.
Jace Klein then drew for door prizes.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
March 5, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 0.00Expenses
$ 949.64Ending balance
$ 9,531.98
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -February 5, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:58 AM by Chapter President Jacob Ostrem. There were 17 members in attendance. It was moved by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Tim Schlorholtz to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Sarah Youngman. Kenton Betz moved and Jenny Olson seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Maddie Oliver presented the treasurer's report. Jenny Olson moved and Maddie Oliver seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Sarah Youngman and Tiffany Heifner presented results of the 2010 Sweetheart Ball Dance. The dance was attended by 287 students and guests. Mr. Taylor reviewed the results of the sub-district contests at Grundy Center on January 27th. Roland-Story finished 3rd with 'Silver' ratings in conduct of meetings, ag sales, public speaking, extemporaneous speaking, radio broadcast, and chapter program. Roland-Story finished 1st in Creed speaking with a 'Gold' rating and advances to the district contest on March 6th.
Under new business, Jenny Olson, Jace Klein, and Abbey Sindt visited about their National FFA week activities. National FFA week activities include: staff appreciation, Business and Industry Luncheon, Grilling noon meal at the High School, Pride day, and Elementary Day. Jacob Ostrem visited about the FFA banquet and handed out invitations. Kenton Betz talked about next month's District FFA convention in Forest City, and Mr. Taylor presented opportunities available at the State Convention. Members interested in contests should contact Mr. Taylor.
Motion was made by Jennifer Olson and seconded by Tim Schlorholtz to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am by President Ostrem.
Tim Schlorholtz then drew for door prizes.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
February 5, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 1,859.27Expenses
$ 351.80Ending balance
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -January 15, 2010
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Kenton Betz. There were 27 members in attendance. It was moved by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Tiffany Heifner to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Sarah Youngman. Tiffany Heifner moved and Jenny Olson seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Maddie Oliver presented the treasurer's report. Jenny Olson moved and Maddie Oliver seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr.Taylor visited about the result of the FFA Noon christmas party and about a delivery problem with a fruit sales customer..
Under new business, Tiffany Heifner and Sarah Youngman visited about the Sweetheart Ball Dance; Mr. Taylor reminded members of the upcoming FFA Contests on January 27th; there was discussion on what activities to hold during National FFA Week. a motion was made by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Mykel Carlson that we rent the north park shelter house to use for our business and industry luncheon. Motion passed. Ted Hammes submitted a request about having the chapter help with Scandinavian Days cleanup.
Motion was made by Tiffany Heifner and seconded by Maddie Oliver to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 am by President Betz.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
January 15, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 337.97Expenses
$ 18,506.98Ending balance
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -December 4, 2009
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 AM by Chapter President Jacob Ostrem. There were 27 members in attendance. It was moved by Maddie Oliver and seconded by Tiffany Heifner to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Sarah Youngman. Tiffany Heifner moved and Jenny Olson seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Maddie Oliver presented the treasurer's report. Jenny Olson moved and Maddie Oliver seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor presented a video program on the 'Kids against Hunger" program and summarized its results. We packaged 5,200 meals with the 2nd graders on November 25th.
Under new business, Jens Greff visited about the FFA noon christmas party. It will be held on Tuesday, December 22nd during the noon lunch period. FFA members need to sign up by Thursday, December 17th if attending. Sarah Youngman and Tiffany Heifner informed the group about the 2010 Sweetheart Ball Dance which is scheduled for Saturday, January 30th. Mr. Taylor visited about FFA sub-district leadership contests in Grundy Center on Wednesday, January 27th. Kendall Gustafson summarized the final results of fruit sales and handed out gift cards to the members.
Motion was made by Tiffany Heifner and seconded by Maddie Oliver to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am by President Ostrem.
Claire Sherman then drew for door prizes.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
December 4, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 23,727.60Expenses
$ 1,961.44Ending balance
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -November 13, 2009
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:57 AM by Chapter President Kenton Betz. There were 31 members in attendance. It was moved by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Tim Schlorholtz to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Sarah Youngman. Jordan Brown moved and Jacob Ostrem seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Maddie Oliver presented the treasurer's report. Tiffany Heifner moved and Kendall Gustafson seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Josh Holmes, Ben Gerdes, and Tyler Hougland reported on the National FFA Convention trip. Kendall Gustafson reported on the results of fruit sales..
Under new business, Mykel Carlson updated the group on her "Kids Against Hunger" program scheduled for November 25th. Mr. Taylor talked to the group about bills and invoices, when sub-district FFA contests would be (Wednesday, January 27 in Grundy Center), and on applying for the Iowa FFA Degree. Jacob Ostrem informed the group about the FFA Christmas Party. Possible dates in December include Tuesday the 15, Friday the 18, Monday the 21st, or Tuesday the 22nd. Finally, Tiffany Heifner informed the group about the 2010 Sweetheart Ball Dance which is scheduled for Saturday, January 30th. We will be working with FCCLA to plan colors, themes, committees, and costs.
Motion was made by Jordan Brown and seconded by Maddie Oliver to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:21 am by President Betz.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
November 13, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 200.00Expenses
$ 2,609.06Ending balance
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -October 2, 2009
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:57 AM by Chapter Vice-President Abbey Sindt. There were 37 members in attendance. It was moved by Tiffany Heifner and seconded by Maddie Oliver to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Sarah Youngman. Tiffany Heifner moved and Kent Betz seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Maddie Oliver presented the treasurer's report. Tiffany Heifner moved and Jacob Ostrem seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Maddie Oliver reported on the homecoming entry and Tim Schlorholtz on the Ag Leadership Camp. Ben Brown was selected as the winner of the $100 camp summary write up. President Ostrem arrived and assumed the duties of the President.
Under new business, Kendall Gustafson reported on this fruit sales committe. It was moved by Jordan Brown and seconded by Kent Betz to accept the committee report. (committee report) Motion passed. Mykel Carlson talked about the 2nd grade "kids against hunger" program. It will be on Wednesday, November 25 and she will need 16 to 20 members to help. They have raised donations of $1,250 towards the program. It was moved by Jordan Brown and seconded by Jenny Olson to transfer $250 from the Ag Leadership Camp fund to the Kids against Hunger program. Motion passed. Mr. Taylor visited about doing a farm safety program for the area coop. Interested members should sign up.
Motion was made by Tiffany Heifner and seconded by Jenny Olson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am by President Ostrem.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
October 2, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 250.00Expenses
$ 1,386.86Ending balance
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -September 11, 2009
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Kenton Betz. There were 43 members in attendance. It was moved by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Jordan Brown to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Sarah Youngman. Jordan Brown moved and Maddie Oliver seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Maddie Oliver presented the treasurer's report. Tiffany Heifner moved and Jacob Ostrem seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor summarized about the United Way signs, ordering FFA Jackets, members attending the National Convention, and our completed project for Sansgaard Seeds.
Under new business, Kenton showed transparencies of the various committees and the committee chairs shared information. Maddie Oliver and Sarah Youngman volunteered to have an FFA entry in the Homecoming parade. Jace Klein gave an overview of next week's Ag Leadership Camp, and Ryan Skaar and Ben Brown competed in the Creed Challenge with Ben winning $20.
Motion was made by Tiffany Heifner and seconded by Jenny Olson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 am by President Betz.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
September 11, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 1050.00Expenses
$ 247.30Ending balance
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -August 28, 2009
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Jacob Ostrem. There were 54 members in attendance. It was moved by Tiffany Heifner and seconded by Jenny Olson to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Sarah Youngman. Jordan Brown moved and Kenton Betz seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Maddie Oliver presented the treasurer's report. Jenny Olson moved and Jordan Brown seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor summarized our involvement at the State Fair.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor informed group on how to order FFA jackets. Jacob Ostrem presented the list of committees and chairs. It was moved by Jennifer Olson and seconded by Maddie Oliver to approve the list. Motion carried. Kenton Betz moved and Jordan Brown seconded that we moved our September meeting from the 4th to the 11th. Motion passed. Kent Betz moved and Jordan Brown seconded that we donate $100 to the United Way of Story county. Motion passed. Mr. Taylor informed group of Agriculture Leadership Camp and how to sign up to attend. A sign up sheet is available for the National FFA Convention trip.
Motion was made by Tiffany Heifner and seconded by Maddie Oliver to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am by President Ostrem.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
August 28, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 9,528.46Incomes
$ 550.00Expenses
$ 1,728.23Ending balance
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -May 1, 2009
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:58 AM by Chapter President Allison Mortvedt. There were 25 members in attendance. It was moved by Nolan Rasmusson and seconded by Kenton Betz to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Jenny Olson. Jordan Brown moved and Milianna Carlson seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Jacob Ostrem presented the treasurer's report. Tim Schlorholtz moved and Sarah Youngman seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Jacob Ostrem summarized our involvement at the State FFA Convention and Allison Mortvedt summarized our Food for America program for the 2nd graders.
Under new business, Maddie Oliver addressed the May 14th Little Norsemen Relays and how help will be needed for packaging meals, FFA officer elections were held. It was moved by Milianna Carlson and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to accept the nominating committee ballot as presented (presidents -- Kenton and Jacob, vice-presidents Jenny and Abbey, secretary -- Sarah, Treasurer -- Maddie, Reporter -- Tiffany, Sentinels -- Jordan and Tyler, student advisor -- Cass). The motion carried. Mr. Taylor addressed June sponsored FFA contests, Scandinanvian days -- both parade and clean up.
Motion was made by Levi Keech and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am by president Ostrem.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
May 1, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 7,527.32Incomes
$ 550.00Expenses
$ 497.14Ending balance
$ 7,580.14
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -April 10, 2009
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Allison Mortvedt. There were 28 members in attendance. It was moved by Nolan Rasmusson and seconded by Bryce Sampson to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Jenny Olson. Nolan Rasmusson moved and Jordan Brown seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Jacob Ostrem presented the treasurer's report. Levi Keech moved and Cole Billerbeck seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Jenny Olson reported on the High School Communciations night and Jacob Ostrem reported on the outcomes of District Contests and convention at Mason City.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor visited about the upcoming State Convention and who was attending. Kent Betz visited about seeing if anyone was interested in hosting a fishing clinic for elementary students, Maddie Oliver addressed the group about sack lunches for the 'Little Norse Relays', Milianna Carlson informed members of the officer nomination forms, Levi Keech reviewed county fair procedures, and Allsion visited with members about doing a "food for america" program for 2nd graders.
Motion was made by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Levi Keech to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
April 10, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 8,172.29Incomes
$ 0.00Expenses
$ 651.97Ending balance
$ 7,527.32
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -March 6, 2009
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:57 AM by Chapter President Allison Mortvedt. There were 21 members in attendance. It was moved by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Bryce Sampson to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Jenny Olson. Nolan Rasmusson moved and Jordan Brown seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Jacob Ostrem presented the treasurer's report. Levi Keech moved and Jordan Brown seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Kenton Betz reviewed the activities of National FFA week and reported it was successful. Sarah Youngman reported on results of sub-district FFA contests.
Under new business, Allison Mortvedt informed members about the March 29th banquet. Allison reviewed information in regards to the district convention and contests to be held March 14th in Mason City. Interested members should contact Mr. Taylor about participating. Jennifer Olson gave an overview about the upcoming School Board communications meeting to be held Monday, March 9th. Abbey Sindt talked about the State FFA convention and opportunities for participation in the areas of greenhand quiz, chapter display, delegates, communicatins contest, sales contest, business management contest, or as a chapter representative. Mr. Taylor visited about a request from the Story County Farm Bureau needing assistance with an outdoor classroom at the elementary school. A motion was made by Levi Keech and seconded by Kenton Betz that we assist with this project. Motion passed.
Motion was made by Greg Gustafson and seconded by Levi Keech to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
March 6, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 8,518.87Incomes
$ 0.00Expenses
$ 342.58Ending balance
$ 8,172.29
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -February 6, 2009
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Allison Mortvedt. There were 37 members in attendance. It was moved by Nolan Rasmusson and seconded by Cole Billerbeck to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Jenny Olson. Jordan Brown moved and Joe Joslin seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Jacob Ostrem presented the treasurer's report. Jordan Gerdes moved and Nolan Rasmusson seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business McKena Carlson reviewed the results of the Sweetheart Ball Dance. We had a net income of $800.00. Abbey Sindt reviewed how the Legislative Symposium went at the state capitol the end of January. Kendall Gustafson had no updated information on the 'dash for cash' which FFA monitored at the Pink Out night basketball games.
Under new business, Jordan Gustafson reported on activities for National FFA Week. Activities will include: Pet education for elementary students, grilling hamburgers for a noon meal, Pride day, Business and Industry Luncheon, and faculty appreciation. It was moved by Kent Betz and seconded by Levi Keech that the FFA hold a pride day drawing and award the winner with a $50 gift card. Motion passed. Mr. Taylor visited about sub-district contests and mentioned we have most individual contests filled. If interested in any others, visit with him. Allison Mortvedt addressed the FFA banquet and that it will be the last Sunday in March at the high school. Allison also encouraged senior members to fill out the FFA online scholarship.
Motion was made by Kent Betz and seconded by Levi Keech to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
February 6, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 8,618.10Incomes
$ 532.77Expenses
$ 632.00Ending balance
$ 8,518.87
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -January 9, 2009
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Allison Mortvedt. There were 28 members in attendance. It was moved by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Jenny Olson. Jacob Ostrem moved and Kenton Betz seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Jacob Ostrem presented the treasurer's report. Nolan Rasmusson moved and Levi Keech seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Milianna Carlson visited about the Christmas party and reported it as a success.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor talked about the Legislative Symposium on January 26 and that he has applications for district FFA officer if anyone wants one. Kyle and McKena talked about Sweetheart Ball Dance and will hold a meeting next week to get further details worked out. Kendall Gustafson visited about "Dash for Cash" proposal as part of pink out night. Jenny Olson moved and Jacob Ostrem seconded that we approve this proposal. Motion passed. Jordan Gustafson talked about potential projects for National FFA week in late February. Anyone with suggestions should visit with him about them.
Motion was made by Levi Keech and seconded by Jordan Gustafson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
January 9, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 8,901.65Incomes
$ 508.50Expenses
$ 792.05Ending balance
$ 8,618.10
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report -December 5, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 AM by Chapter President Allison Mortvedt. There were 31 members in attendance. It was moved by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Kenton Betz to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Lindsey Dunn. Jordan Brown moved and Zeb Hames seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Jacob Ostrem presented the treasurer's report. Tim Schlorholtz moved and Nolan Rasmusson seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Jenny Olson reported on the success of the 2nd grade "Kids against hunger" program. Nolan Rasmusson updated us on the results of fruit sales, and Mr. Taylor announced that 3 members will be applying for their Iowa Degree.
Under new business, Zeb visited about the christmas party that will be Friday, December 12. Need to sign up by Tuesday. Mr. Taylor talked about Sweetheart Ball Dance. Seniors in FFA need to sign up if they wish their names to be on the list of court candidates. Abbey Sindt updated us on the January 26 Legislative Symposium. We can take 8 members with for our display. Lindsey Dunn visited about doing sack lunches again this spring for the 'Little Norse Relays', and Jordan Gustafson will be having a meeting following Christmas to work on National FFA Week agenda.
Motion was made by Levi Keech and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
December 5, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 6,226.07Incomes
$ 27,910.50Expenses
$ 433.92Ending balance
$31,702.65 - fruit sales expenses = $8,901.65
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --November 7, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:57 AM by Chapter Vice-President Abbey Sindt. There were 28 members in attendance. It was moved by Jennifer Olson and seconded by Kenton Betz to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Jenny Olson. Jenny Olson moved and Nolan Rasmusson seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Kyle Keigan presented the treasurer's report. Jordan Brown moved and Kent Betz seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Jordan Brown talked about the national FFA convention highlights, Milianna Carlson presented information about the World Food Prize and encouraged us to participate in a hunger banquet, Nolan Rasmusson informed the chapter about fruit sales, Kyle Keigan updated us on the chapter t-shirts and Kenton Betz visited about results of the farm safety programs.
Under new business, Jenny Olson informed the chapter about the upcoming "Kids against Hunger" program for 2nd graders on November 26. Interested members should sign up with her if they would like to help. Milianna and Zeb talked about having a christmas party during one of our semester test days. There will be a sign up sheet. Mr. Taylor announced that he has a pre-application form for members interested in applying for their Iowa FFA State Degree. Kyle Keigan announced that we will have a meeting within the next two weeks to begin planning for Sweetheart Ball Dance.
Motion was made by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
November 7, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 9,175.03Incomes
$ 0.00Expenses
$ 2,948.96Ending balance
$ 6,226.07
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --October 3, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Allison Mortvedt. There were 16 members in attendance. It was moved by Kent Betz and seconded by Jordan Brown to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Jenny Olson. Kent Betz moved and Nolan Rasmusson seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Jacob Ostrem presented the treasurer's report. Kenton Betz moved and Jordan Brown seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor announced that Tim Schlorholtz was the winner of the Ag Leadership Camp summary report. Milianna Carlson showed what our chapter t-shirt design was and had a sign up sheet.
Under new business, Nolan Rasmusson visited with group about fruit sales and what products and companies we would be working with. Alex Johnson then discussed with chapter about his farm safety committee for 3rd graders. The safety camp will be on Wednesday the 8th. Mr. Taylor had a sign up sheet for available for those members who wished to work the Heart of Iowa Coop farm safety days. For National FFA Convention, Mr. Taylor announced that there were openings on the bus for up to three more members. Anyone interested needs to let him know soon so that spots can be reserved.
Motion was made by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Jordan Brown to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
October 3, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 9,580.89Incomes
$ 0.00Expenses
$ 405.86Ending balance
$ 9,175.03
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --September 5, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Allison Mortvedt. There were 23 members in attendance. It was moved by Kyle Keigan and seconded by Jacob Ostrem to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Jenny Olson. Tiffany Heifner moved and TimSchlorholtz seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Jacob Ostrem presented the treasurer's report. Kenton Betz moved and Jordan Brown seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor discussed participating in some sort of fund raisier for the United Way. Jacob Ostrem moved and Nolan Rasmusson seconded that Sarah Youngman finds a fund raiser and if it meets with approval of Allison Mortvedt, we will do it. After discusion, the motion passed.
Kyle Keigan updated us on the chapter t-shirts. The front design is done, but nothing with the back. It was suggested that anyone with a t-shirt idea can bring it to the Ag room for members to preview and vote on.
Under new business, Nolan Rasmusson addressed his fruit sales committee and that they will meet some morning next week to work on products. Jacob Ostrem updated us on homecoming. Levi Keech will have an entry in the parade for FFA. Mr. Taylor updated us on the National FFA Convention. Levi Keech moved and Nolan Rasmusson seconded that we purchase stickers for the farm safety committee to hand out at the coops. Motion passed.
Motion was made by Levi Keech and seconded by Jordan Brown to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
September 5, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 10,294.05Incomes
$ 268.32Expenses
$ 981.48Ending balance
$ 9,580.89
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --August 22, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Allison Mortvedt. There were 26 members in attendance. It was moved by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Cole billerbeck to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Jenny Olson. Tiffany Heifner moved and Milianna Carlson seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Jacob Ostrem presented the treasurer's report. Jacob moved and Kenton Betz seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Kenton reviewed the results of the Iowa State Fair, and Tiffany Heifner the results of the Story City Duck races.
Under new business, Jenny Olson addressed members about buying FFA jackets. Abbey Sindt addressed suggestions for raising funds for the United Way, Kyle Keigan presented his chapter t-shirt design, Cole Billerbeck visited about the leadership camp and member sign up, Mr. Taylor gave an update on the National FFA Convention, and Allison Mortvedt presented a listing of FFA committees.
Motion was made by Jordan Gustafson and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
August 22, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 8,540.41Incomes
$ 2,836.84Expenses
$ 1,083.20Ending balance
$ 10,294.05
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --May 20, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 8:00 AM by Chapter President Allison Mortvedt. There were 14 members in attendance. It was moved by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Mark Anderson to accept the agenda. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Jenny Olson. Jenny moved and Jacob Ostrem seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Jacob Ostrem presented the treasurer's report. Jacob moved and Mark Anderson seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Allison reviewed the results of the 2nd Grade Food for America program, Little Norse Relays, and Fishing clinic.
Under new business, Jordan Gustafson moved and Jacob Ostrem seconded that we volunteer to do sack lunches for the elementary school again next year. Motion passed.
Chapter members indicated that we should volunteer later in the summer to assist with the Story City Duck races.
Under Scandinavian Days, we will have an entry in the parade, and will assist with one of the inflatables on Friday if needed.
Sign up/volunteers were taken to be committee chairs. They include: Mark Anderson, State Fair; Jordan Gustafson, FFA week; Levi Keech, farm safety; Cole Billerbeck, Ag Leadership Camp; Kendall Gustafson, Food for America; Kyle Keigan, Sweetheart Ball Dance; Nolan Rasmusson, Fruit Sales; Allison Mortvedt, Banquet; Christmas Party, Milianna Carlson & Tyler Johnston; and Little Norse Relays, Lindsey Dunn.
Motion was made by Levi Keech and seconded by Jordan Gustafson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
May 20, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 8,882.21Incomes
$ 451.00Expenses
$ 792.80Ending balance
$ 8,540.41
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --May 2, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Tyler Olson. There were 28 members in attendance. It was moved by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to accept the agenda.
The first item of business was the nominating committee report. Rachel Rivenbark presented the slate of candidates and explained the process done this year. Slated for President was Allison Mortvedt, Vice Presidents were Milianna Carlson and Abbey Sindt; Secretary was Lindsey Dunn and Jennifer Olson; Treasurer is Jacob Ostrem, Reporters are Tiffany Heifner and Kyle Keigan, Sentinel is Sarah Youngman, and Student Advisor is Kenton Betz. Rachel moved acceptance of the nominating committee report. It was seconded by Jessica Holm. After discussion, Tyler Olson called for the vote. 29 voted for the ballott and 0 voted against it. Motion passed.
The secretary's report was given by Rachel Rivenbark. Rachel moved and Cole Billerbeck seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Caitlin McNamara presented the treasurer's report. Caitlin moved and Jacob Ostrem seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Jessica Holm reviewed the results of the 2008 State Convention. Twenty-three FFA members participated in contests involving Greenhand quiz, Farm Business, Ag Sales, Ag Communications, and chapter display. Also 4 members received their Iowa FFA Degree.
Under new business, Lucas visited about hs proposed fishing clinic that is set for Sunday, May 11th. Allison Mortvedt visisted about the Little Norsemen Relays and were we need helpers at. Sarah Knutson visited about the 2nd grade Food for America program that will be held at the Hovick farm in Roland on Wednesday, May 7th.
Motion was made by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Levi Keech to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
May 2, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 8,327.95
$ 3,010.00
$ 2,506.42
Ending balance
$ 8,882.21
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --April 4, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:58 AM by Chapter President Tyler Olson. There were 21 members in attendance. It was moved by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Jordan Gustafson to accept the agenda. The secretary's report was given by Lucas Moore. Caitlin McNamara moved and Jacob Ostrem seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Caitlin McNamara presented the treasurer's report. Caitlin moved and Jacob Ostrem seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Tyler Olson went over the banquet highlights and then presented Jessica Holm with her Star Award plaque. Mr. Taylor informed the group that we will be receiving a $2,000 grant from Iowa Farm Bureau for the environment first grant we applied for.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor updated the group on state FFA convention details. Lucas visited about hs proposed fishing clinic that he is tentatively planning for Sunday, May 11th. Tara Hamilton moved and it was seconded to give Lucas up to $200 to help sponsor this clinic. Motion passed. Mr. Taylor told group about the proposed 'Little Norsemen Relay" plans for sponsoring meals. Members are encouraged to sign up to help. Tyler updated the group about potential contests for this summer.
Motion was made by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Cole Billerbeck to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
April 4, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 10,276.00
$ 44.00
$ 1,892.05
Ending balance
$ 8,327.95
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --March 9, 2008
FFA Banquet
The banquet meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 5:30 PM by Chapter President Tyler Olson. There were 84 members and guests in attendance. It was moved by Caitlin McNamara and seconded by Rachel Rivenbark to accept the agenda. The secretary's report was given by Tara Hamilton. Tara moved and Jessica Holm seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Jessica Holm presented the treasurer's report. Jessica moved and Caitlin McNamara seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
The senior officers then made a presentation to the group on their appreciation of agriculture.
The meal was then served.
Awards were then presented:
Tom Christian and Cole Billerbeck presented the greenhand certificates and pins.
Zeb Hammes and Bryce Sampson presented the chapter certificates and pins.
Milianna Carlson, Jacob Ostrem, and Justin Uthe presented the chapter certificates.
Nolan Rasmusson and Levi Keech presented certificates and plaques to the top fruit sellers. They were: Tyler Johnson, Adam Holm, Jenny Olson, Mark Anderson, and Anna Penner.
The Star awards were presented by Tara Hamilton and Rachel Rivenbark. Jenny Olson was named the star greenhand member and Jessica Holm and Tyler Olson were named the star chapter members.
Adam Holm and Lucas Moore recognized the RS members who will be receiving their Iowa Degrees next Month: Milianna Carlson, Tara Hamilton, Allison Mortvedt, and Caitlin McNamara.
Nolan Rasmusson and Bryce Sampson presented plaques to the outgoing FFA Senior Officers.
Sarah Knutson and Jordan Gustafson presented Tyler Olson with the DeKalb Award.
Sarah Youngman and Jenny Olson presented the chapter video summary for the year.
Under new business, Tyler updated the group about the banquet which will be held on Sunday. Mr. Taylor visited with the members about state convention oportunities and has a sign up sheet for members. Lucas Moore visited about his desire to start a fishing clinic this spring for elementary age students.
Motion was made by Cole Billerbeck and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:44 PM.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
March 9, 2021
Treasurer's Report -- FFA Banquet
Beginning balance March 1, 2021
$ 10,369.39
$ 25,052.28
$ 25,011.54
Ending balance March 1, 2021
$ 10,276.00
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --March 7, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:58 AM by Chapter President Tyler Olson. There were 27 members in attendance. It was moved by Jacob Ostrem and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to accept the agenda. The secretary's report was given by Tara Hamilton. Tara moved and Jacob Ostrem seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Caitlin McNamara presented the treasurer's report. Caitlin moved and Cole Billerbeck seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Lucas Moore reported on the results of National FFA Week activities and indicated it had been a successful week of events. Mr. Taylor informed the group about sub-district and district contest results. Lucas Moore and Justin Uthe qualified from sub-districts and participated in District contests at State Center.
Under new business, Tyler updated the group about the banquet which will be held on Sunday. Mr. Taylor visited with the members about state convention oportunities and has a sign up sheet for members. Lucas Moore visited about his desire to start a fishing clinic this spring for elementary age students.
Motion was made by Cole Billerbeck and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
March 7, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 10,369.39
$ 300.00
$ 393.39
Ending balance
$ 10,276.00
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --February 1, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 AM by Chapter President Tyler Olson. There were 26 members in attendance. It was moved by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to accept the agenda. The secretary's report was given by Rachel Rivenbark. Rachel moved and Jacob Ostrem seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Caitlin McNamara presented the treasurer's report. Caitlin moved and Rachel rivenbark seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Tara Hamilton addressed the results of the sweetheart ball dance. She indicated it had been very successful. Abbey Sindt updated us on the 2008 Legislative Sumposium. Members who attended were Abbey, Caitlin, Milianna, Jessica, Allison, Tiffany and Sarah. Mr. Taylor updated us on the gift basket for Pella Windows.
Under new business, Lucas Moore presented information on National FFA week activities. Current activities include: Legislative Breakfast, Business and Industry Luncheon, Sub-District contests, Elementary Educational program, Pride day, and grilling for a noon meal. Members interested are to sign up with Mr. Taylor following the meeting. Tyler Olson mentioned that he would be working with Mr. Taylor to start organizing the FFA banquet.
Motion was made by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
February 1, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 8,445.95
$ 12.96
$ 1,936.00
Ending balance
$ 10,369.39
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --January 11, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Tyler Olson. There were 31 members in attendance. It was moved by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to accept the agenda. The secreatary's report was given by Rachel Rivenbark. Rachel moved and Caitlin McNamara seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Caitlin McNamara presented the treasurer's report. Caitlin moved and Nolan Rasmusson seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Tara Hamilton visited about the results of her committee meetings for the sweetheart ball dance. Tara moved and Cole Billerbeck seconded that we approve the committee recommendations on colors and themes. The motion passed. Rachel Rivenbark reported on the Christmas noon party. She said we had an excellent turn out. Caitlin McNamara and Mr. Taylor informed us that our special funding project was approved by the school board at the communications night.
Under new business, Abbey Sindt informed the group about the Legislative symposium and that those interested in attending should sign up with Mr. Taylor right after the meeting. Lucas Moore indicated that he would be holding committee meetings in the coming week to decide upon activites to do during the FFA week in February. Mr. Taylor visited with the group about doing something special for the Pella corporation as they've been good supporters over the years. It was moved by Caitlin McNamara and seconded by Rachel Rivenbark that we spend up to $100 on buying items as a gift of apprecation for Pella. Motion passed. Mr. Taylor informed the group about sub-district contests and if interested, to sign up with him for a contest.
Motion was made by Tara Hamilton and seconded by Allison Mortvedt to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
January 11, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 24,002.78
$ 0.00
$ 15,556.83
Ending balance
$ 8,445.95
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --December 7, 2007
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 8:00 AM by Chapter President Tyler Olson. There were 15 members in attendance. It was moved by Tara Hamilton and seconded by Mark Anderson to accept the agenda. The secreatary's report was given by Tara Hamilton. Tara moved and Jenny Olson seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Tara Hamilton presented the treasurer's report. Tara moved and Allison Mortvedt seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Jenny Olson reported on the outcome of the 'kids against hunger' program at the elementary last month. Sarah Youngman talked about the 'take a farmer' to lunch program, and Mr. Taylor summarized this year's fruit sales campaign.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor updated the group on the upcoming school board communciations night. Tyler, Jessica, and Rachel will be visiting with the school board. Discussion was held on the FFA noon time christmas party. It will be Wednesday before semester tests. Allison Mortvedt informed the group about our plans to work with the 'little norsemen relays' this psring by providing a free meal to those in attendance. Tara visited with the group about plans for the sweetheart ball dance. Mr. Taylor told the group about our chapter being invited to participate in the FFA Legislative Symposium in late January.
Motion was made by Tara Hamilton and seconded by Allison Mortvedt to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
December 7, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 7,187.45
$ 19,917.74
$ 3,102.41
Ending balance
$ 24,002.78
Fruit Sales information: Income of $16,890.00, expenses of $11,919.55. Profit of $4,970.45
HOSA to get $ 918.45, FCCLA to get $ 842.50, leaving FFA with $3,209.49
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --November 9, 2007
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:57 AM by Chapter President Tyler Olson. There were 26 members in attendance. It was moved by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to accept the agenda. The secreatary's report was given by Rachel Rivenbark. Rachel moved and Jessica Holm seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Caitlin McNamara presented the treasurer's report. Caitlin moved and Rachel seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Jessica Holm summarized the National FFA Convention trip, Tyler Olson talked about his experiences with the World Food Prize, Mr. Taylor addressed the fruit sales campaign, and Jessica Holm summarized last months farm safety programs at the coop and for the 3rd graders.
Under new business, Jenny Olson visited with the group about doing the 'Kids Against Hunger" Program for 2nd graders in 2 weeks. Rachel Rivenbark addressed the christmas party and she will need volunteers to help with its planning. Mr. Taylor visited about doing a new program called "take a farmer to lunch" and how it can help educate non-farm members about what farmers do and become better advocates for agriculture. It was moved and seconded that we do this program. The motion passed.
Motion was made by Jessica Holm and seconded by Levi Keech to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
November 9, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 9,294.15
$ 1,725.50
$ 3,835.20
Ending balance
$ 7,187.45
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --October 5, 2007
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 AM by Chapter President Tyler Olson. There were 29 members in attendance. It was moved by Levi Keech and seconded by Caitlin McNamara to accept the agenda. The secreatary's report was given by Rachel Rivenbark. Tara Hamilton moved and Caitlin McNamara seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Caitlin McNamara presented the treasurer's report. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Caitlin McNamara seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Rachel Rivenbark summarized the Ag Leadership Camp.
Under new business, John Valen updated the group on the upcoming Farm Safety program for 3rd graders. Tara Hamilton moved and Rachel Rivenbark seconded that they can spend up to $100 on needed supplies. Motion passed. Tyler Olson addressed our chapter T-shirt order and encouraged members to sign up if they haven't. Mr. Taylor visited about the fruit sales and what the committee has decided. Abbey Sindt spoke about the farm safety program for area farmers to be held at the two coops. Members interested in attending should sign up after the meeting.
Motion was made by Tara Hamilton and seconded by Jessi Holm to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
October 5, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 9,065.07
$ 994.28
$ 765.24
Ending balance
$ 9,294.15
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --September 7, 2007
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 AM by Chapter President Tyler Olson. There were 38 members in attendance. It was moved by Cole Billerbeck and seconded by Sarah Knutson to accept the agenda. The secreatary's report was given by Rachel Rivenbark. Rachel moved and Abbey Sindt seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Caitlin McNamara presented the treasurer's report. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Jessi Holm seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor informed us that our donation was made to the United Way of Story County.
Under new business, Mr. Taylor updated the members about the Duck races which will be held on Saturday, September 8th. Lucas Moore visited about the t-shirt design and showed some examples. It was decided that a committee of Lucas and Adam would develop the final t-shirt design. Rachel Rivenbark talked to the group about the upcoming September 11th fall leadership camp. Tara Hamilton presented a list of FFA committees and the committee chairs. Lucas Moore visited about homecoming week to see if anyone was interested in having a float/display for FFA.
Motion was made by Morgan Swanson and seconded by Rachel Rivenbark to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
September 7, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 9,291.83
$ 0.00
$ 226.76
Ending balance
$ 9,065.07
Outstanding incomes: ($1,714.28)
State Fair ……………………… 214.28
Monsanto ……………………… 1,500.00
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --August 24, 2007
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 AM by Chapter President Tyler Olson. There were 37 members in attendance. It was moved by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Caitlin McNamara to accept the agenda. The secreatary's report was given by Rachel Rivenbark. Rachel moved and Morgan Swanson seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Caitlin McNamara presented the treasurer's report. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Jenny Olson seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business Mr. Taylor talked about the results of the Iowa State Fair and the Monsanto TRAP program.
Under new business, Allison Mortvedt updated the members about the Duck races which will be held on Saturday, September 8th. Adam Holm visited about ordering FFA jackets before the end of August as the cost of a new jacket is now $39. Caitlin McNamara visited about the United Way of Story County and made a motion that we donate $250 to it. Kyle Keigan seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion passed. Lucas Moore visited about the t-shirt design. Rachel Rivenbark talked to the group about the upcoming September 11th fall leadership camp. Jessica Holm updated the group on what is taking place with the national ffa convention. Tara Hamilton presented a list of FFA committees and the committee chairs.
Motion was made by Levi Keech and seconded by Jessica Holm to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
August 24, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 7,841.40
$ 1,809.69
Ending balance
$ 9,291.83
Outstanding bills: ($379.36)
State Fair entries and supplies ………….. 324.01
Chapter supplies ………………………… 23.90
Landscaping supplies …………………… 31.45
Outstanding incomes: ($1,714.28)
State Fair ……………………… 214.28
Monsanto ……………………… 1,500.00
Secretary and Treasurer's Reports
last updated on:
August 31, 2021 10:14 AM
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --May 4, 2007
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:58 AM by chapter Student Advisor Ryan Amundson.t There were 27 members in attendance. It was moved by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Caitlin McNamara to accept the agenda. The secreatary's report was given by Tyler Olson. Josef Biechler moved and Rachel Rivenbark seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Lucas Moore presented the treasurer's report. Tara Hamilton moved and Lucas Moore seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business we reviewed the volunteer award and state convention.
Under new business, Ryan Amundson and Josef Biechler ran the new officer elections. President -- Tyler Olson, Vice-President's -- Lucas Moore and Adam Holm, Secretary's -- Rachel Rivenbark and Tara Hamilton, Treasurer's -- Caitlin McNamara and Jessica Holm, Reporter -- Abbey Sindt, Sentinel -- Allison Mortvedt, and Student Advsior -- Anna Penner.
Mr. Taylor visited with the group about the upcoming Food For America program, TRAP program by Monsanto, and summer contests.
Motion was made by Adam Holm and seconded by Josef Biechler to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
April 13, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 8,159.60
$ 462.10
Expenses for year
Ending balance
$ 7,841.40
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --April 13, 2007
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 AM by chapter Vice-President Rachel Rivenbark. There were 24 members in attendance. It was moved by Caitlin McNamara and seconded by Ryan Amundson to accept the agenda. The secreatary's report was given by Tyler Olson. Tyler moved and Ryan Amundson seconded that we accept the minutes. Motion carried. Adam Holm presented the treasurer's report. Adam moved and Tyler Olson seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business we reviewed the banquet, state convention details, and Farm Bureau grant.
Under new business, Ryan Amundson moved and Tyler Olson seconded that we particiapte in the Monsanto TRAP program for area farmers this summer. Motion passed. Tara Hamilton visisted about sign up for helping run Scandinavian Days this June. Josef Biechler, Caitlin McNamara, and Andrew Hoffmann volunteered to coordinate the events. Josef Biechler visited with group about procedures for officer elections. All candidates should secure and fill out an application form. Mr. Taylor mentioned information about county and state fair sign up, Story County Volunteer recognition, summer contests, and pork producers scholarships.
Motion was made by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Nolan Rasmusson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
April 13, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Beginning balance
$ 9,700.26
$ 2,750.00
Expenses for year
Ending balance
$ 8,159.60
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --March 25, 2007
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 5:30 PM by chapter President Andrew Hoffmann. There were 97 members and guests in attendance. The secreatary's report was given by Tyler Olson. Lucas Moore presented the treasurer's report. Rachel Rivenbark moved and it was seconded by Tyler Olson to accept the officer reports. Motion passed. Jordan Gustafson then gave the invocation. The meal was then served. Awards were then presented with the following:
Abbey Sindt was presented the star greenhand award.
Rachel Rivenbark was presented the star chapter degree.
Andrew Hoffmann was presented the Dekalb award.
Brian Sansgaard, Erin Varley, and Dee McNamara were presented with the Honorary Chapter Degree.
Anna Penner received a plaque for high fruit sales and Nolan Rasmusson received a plaque for 2nd high sales.
Milianna Carlson was presented as the Ag Essay contest winner.
Ryan Amundson, Josef Biechler, Adam Holm, Jessica Holm, Tyler Olson, Lucas Moore, and Rachel Rivenbark received chains for their Iowa Degree pins.
Andrew Hoffmann, Ryan Amundson, and Josef Biechler receive their senior officer awards.After the chapter highlights were presented, the banquet meeting was adjourned with the closing ceremonies at 6:48 PM.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
March 25, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Starting balance July 1, 2021
Incomes for year
Expenses for year
Ending balance February 28, 2021
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --March 7, 2007
The re-scheduledr March meeting of the Roland-Story FFA Chapter was called to order at 7:56 AM by Chapter President Andrew Hoffmann. There were 19 members in attendance. Ryan Amundson moved and Tara Hamilton seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion carried. The secretary's report and treasurer's report were presented by Tara Hamilton and Ryan Amundson. It was moved by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Tyler Olson to accept the reports. Motion passed. Old business consisted of results of National FFA Week activities, Ag Day Essay, and District Iowa Degree review. Under new business, Mr. Taylor informed the group about the re-scheduled District convention, farm bureau grant, and State FFA Convention opportunities. Andrew Hoffmann visited about the chapter banquet on March 25th. Lucas Moore and Jacob Ostrem addressed the need of the local food pantry and will make arrangements to pick up products to be donated. Tara Hamilton updated us on Scandinavian Days and opportunities with it. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Tara Hamilton seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:12 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
Roland-Story FFA
Treasurer's Report --March 7, 2007
Previous Ending balance
$ 10,483.97
$ 12.00
Current balance
$ 9,700.26
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --February 2, 2007
The regular February meeting of the Roland-Story FFA Chapter was called to order at 7:57 AM by Chapter President Andrew Hoffmann. There were 26 members in attendance. Josef Biechler moved and Ryan Amundson seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion carried. The secretary's report and treasurer's report were presented by Tara Hamilton and Lucas Moore. It was moved by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Ryan Amundson to accept the reports. Motion passed. Old business consisted of results of the Sweetheart Ball Dance from Tara Hamilton and Legislative Symposium by Milianna Carlson. Under new business, Luke Moore presented his National FFA Week committee report. Luke moved and Rachel Rivenbark seconded that we accept the committee proposal. Motion passed. Milianna Carlson informed the group about the proposed "FFA Essay" project sponsored by Oakland Corporation. Rachel Rivenbark visited about opportunities to participate in the District FFA convention at Gilbert on March 3rd. Ryan Amundson moved and Tara Hamilton seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:14 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
Roland-Story FFA
Treasurer's Report --February 2, 2007
Previous Ending balance
$ 3,504.05
$ 7,981.33
Current balance
$ 10,483.97
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --January 12, 2007
The regular January meeting of the Roland-Story FFA Chapter began with a video presentation by America's Heartland. Then the meeting was called to order at 7:57 AM by Chapter President Andrew Hoffmann. There were 28 members in attendance. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Josef Biechler seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion carried. The secretary's report and treasurer's report were presented on the projector. Tara Hamilton moved and Ryan Amundson seconded that we accept the secretary's and treasurer's report. Motion passed. Motion passed. Old business consisted of results of the FFA Christmas party from Rachel and on the High School communications night from Josef. Under new business, Tara Hamilton informed the group about the sweetheart ball dance committee meetings. They recommend the colors of black/silver, and hot pink. The dance cost will be $4 in advance and $5 at the door. Tara Hamilton moved and Rachel Rivenbark seconded that we accept the Sweetheart Ball Dance committee report. Motion passed. Andrew Hoffmann and Mr. Taylor visited about the Legislative Symposium on the 25th. Mr. Taylor informed the group that 7 members will be applying for their Iowa FFA Degree this spring. Ryan Amundson moved and Tyler Olson seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:16 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
Roland-Story FFA
Treasurer's Report --January 12, 2007
Previous Ending balance
$ 26,230.35
$ 67.00
Current balance
$ 3,504.05
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --December 8, 2006
The regular December meeting of the Roland-Story FFA Chapter was called to order at 7:56 AM by Chapter President Andrew Hoffmann. There were 33 members in attendance. Ryan Amundson moved and Jessica Holm seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion carried. The secretary's report and treasurer's report were presented on the projector. Tyler Olson moved and Tara Hamilton seconded that we accept the secretary's report. Motion passed. Josef Biechler moved and Nicole Finley seconded that we accept the treasurers report. Motion passed. Old business consisted of results of the United Way campaign and fruit sales. Under new business, Rachel Rivenbark started the FFA christmas party sign up sheet. Tara Hamilton will get her committee started to oversee the Sweetheart Ball Dance. Rachel Rivenbark visited about the upcoming High School communications meeting with the school board. Mr. Taylor informed us that the State FFA has asked us to be present for the Legislative Symposium in January. Mr. Taylor has a form for those FFA members interested in applying for their Iowa Degrees. We then had a presentation on thrift accounts. Andrew Hoffmann then showed the group his music video that will be used at the communications meeting. Ryan Amundson moved and Tyler Olson seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:18 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
Roland-Story FFA
Treasurer's Report --December 8, 2006
Previous Ending balance
$ 8,168.00
$ 29,718.18
Current balance
$ 26,230.35
Respectfully submitted by: _________Date of approval: __________
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --November 10, 2006
The regular November meeting of the Roland-Story FFA Chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Andrew Hoffmann. There were 29 members in attendance. Josef Biechler moved and Tyler Olson seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion carried. The secretary's report and treasurer's report were presented on the projector. Ryan amundson moved and Tara Hamilton seconded that we accept the secretary's report. Motion passed. Lucas Moore moved and Rachel Rivenbark seconded that we accept the treasurers report. Motion passed. Old business consisted of convention follow up by Josef Biecher and others who attended, report on fruit sales, report on results of farm safety program at the coops, and summary of dues payment statements to be sent out. Under new business, Rachel Rivenbark visited about the FFA christmas party format. Her committee will work on this in the upcoming week. Tara Hamilton moved and Ryan Amundson seconded that we donate $100 towards the local food pantry. Motion passed. Mr. Taylor visited with the group about upcoming contest in Latimer. Tyler Olsonmoved and Sarah Knutson seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:16 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
Roland-Story FFA
Treasurer's Report --November 10, 2006
Previous Ending balance
$ 6,193.59
$ 1,400.00
$ 2,042.70
Current balance
$ 5,150.89
Respectfully submitted by: _________Date of approval: __________
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --October 6, 2006
The regular October meeting of the Roland-Story FFA Chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Andrew Hoffmann. There were 37 members in attendance. Ryan Amundson moved and Jessica Holm seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion carried. Tara Hamilton presented the secretary's report. It was moved by Tara Hamilton and seconded by Tyler Olson to accept the report. Motion passed. Adam Holm presented the treasurer's report. Ryan Amundson moved and Josef Biechler seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed. Under old business Rachel Rivenbark visited about the Homecoming parada. Tyler Olson talked about the chapter t-shirt order. Ryan amundson summararized the farm safety program for 3rd graders. Josef Biecher updated members on fruit sales committee. Josef moved and Lucas Moore seconded that we approve the fruit sales committee report on products and incentive program. Motion passed. Jessie Holm updated us on the National convention trip. Under new business, Rachel Rivenbark had a list of FFA sub-district contests with sign up. Ryan Amundson visited about the Farm Safety program at the coops. Members need to sign up. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Tara Hamilton seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:14 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
Roland-Story FFA
Treasurer's Report --October 6, 2006
Previous Ending balance
$ 8,099.91
$ 0.00
$ 1,906.32
Current balance
$ 6,193.59
Respectfully submitted by: _________Date of approval: __________
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --September 8th, 2006
The regular September meeting of the Roland-Story FFA Chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Andrew Hoffmann. There were 44 members in attendance. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Jessica Holm seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion carried. Tara Hamilton presented the secretary's report. It was moved by Tyler Olson and seconded by Rachel Rivenbark to accept the report. Motion passed. Lucas Moore presented the treasurer's report. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Tara Hamilton seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed. Under old business Caitlin McNamara talked about the results of the 'Duck Races' held last Saturday. Rachel Rivenbark summarized the results of the Ag Leadership Camp and visited about the proposed t-shirt design for the chapter. Under new business, Tyler Olson talked about the Homecoming Parade. Mr. Taylor has volunteered his pickup to be in the parade for FFA. Mr. Taylor talked about the United Way of Story County. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Josef Biechler seconded that we donate $100 to the United Way of Story County. Motion passed. Mr. Taylor updated the members on the National Convention. Josef Biechler moved and Rachel Caitlin McNamara seconded that Mr. Taylor go ahead and purchase tickets for convention tours. Motion passed. Josef Biechler informed the group that his fruit sales committee will start meeting next Tuesday. Mr. Taylor talked about the farm safety committee. Interested members should sign up after the meeting. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Tyler Olson seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
Roland-Story FFA
Treasurer's Report --September 8, 2006
Previous Ending balance
$ 931.14
$ 581.10
Current balance
$ 8,099.91
Respectfully submitted by: _________Date of approval: __________
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --August 25, 2006
The regular August meeting of the Roland-Story FFA Chapter was called to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Andrew Hoffmann. There were 32 members in attendance. Josef Biechler moved and Jessica Holm seconded that we approve the agenda. Motion carried. Tyler Olson presented the secretary's report. It was moved by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Jessica Holm to accept the report. Motion passed. Adam Holm presented the treasurer's report. Caitlin McNamara moved and Ryan Amundson seconded that we approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed. Under old business Jessica Holm visited with the group about the Iowa State Fair, Tyler Olson visited about the Monsanto TRAP program, and Andrew Hoffmann presented an award to Josef Biechler for placing 1st in the State Food Technology contest. Under new business, Josef Biechler moved and Caitlin McNamara seconded that money collected from the TRAP program be used for National FFA Convention expenses. Motion passed. Caitlin McNamara visited with the group about the Story City duck races and if interested in helping, should visit with her. Josef Biechler informed the group about procedures of buying an FFA jacket. Sign up sheet is out until Friday, September 1st. Mr. Taylor informed the group about a request from the United Way. Members are to think about potential projects for the next meeting. Rachel Rivenbark will have a meeting next week to work on t-shirt designs. Mr. Taylor updated the group on National Convention activities and events. Ryan Amundson moved and Josh Ostrem seconded that we adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
Roland-Story FFA
Treasurer's Report --August 25, 2006
Previous Ending balance
$ 650.00
$ 787.32
Current balance
$ 7,749.87
Respectfully submitted by: _________Date of approval: __________
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --May 26, 2006
The regular June meeting of the Roland-Story FFA Chapter was called
to order at 7:55 AM by Chapter President Student Advisor Ryan Amundson. There
were 19 members in attendance. It was moved by josef Biechler and seconded by
Lucas Moore to approved the agenda as presented. Motion passed. Tyler Olson
moved and Nolan Rasmusson seconded that we approved the secretary's report.
Motion passed. Lucas Moore moved and Caitlin McNamara seconded that we approve
the treasurers report. Motion passed. There was no old business to discuss.
Under new business Mr. Taylor visited with the group about ordering FFA jackets,
the upcoming Scandinavian Days parade and summer contests. Tyler Olson visisted
with the group about the TRAP program by Monsanto and what it involves. Committee's
were then addressed with the following being recommended with chairs: Fruit
Sales --Josef Biechler; Sweetheart Ball Dance -- Tara Hamilton; National FFA
Week -- Lucas Moore; Recreation -- Adam Holm; Farm Safety -- Ryan Amundson;
Food for America -- Tyler Olson; Banquet -- Andrew Hoffmann; Community Service
-- Caitlin McNamara; Christmas Party -- Rachel Rivenbark.
I t was moved by Josef Biechler and seconded by Ryan Amundson that we adjourn.
Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
Roland-Story FFA
Treasurer's Report --May 26, 2006
Previous Ending balance
$ 0.00
$ 595.09
Current balance
$ 7,887.19
Respectfully submitted by: _________Date of approval: __________
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --May 5, 2006
The regular meeting of the Roland-Story FFA Chapter was called to order at 7:56 AM by Chapter President Valerie Carlson. There were 32 members in attendance. It was moved by Andrew Hoffmann and seconded by Ashley Youngman to approved the agenda as presented. Motion passed. Ashley Youngman moved and Cassie Eckley seconded that we approved the secretary's report. Motion passed. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Ashley Youngman seconded that we approve the treasurers report. Motion passed. Under old business Mr. Taylor summarized the results of the 2006 State FFA convention. Valerie Carlson summarized the results of the FFA banquet with major awards going to Milianna Carlson and Ashley Youngman. Milianna Carlson summarized the RS participation in the ISU workshop on Natural disasters. Tyler Olson summarized the Coop program sponsored by the Iowa Institute of Cooperatives.
Under new business, Ashley Youngman explained the election procedures and then each candidate got to speak to the group about their qualifications. Elections then took place. Cassie Eckley moved and Curtis Hansen seconded that we have an entry in this year's Scandinavian Days parade. Motion passed. Mr. Taylor talked about contest sign ups for the month of June-- Food Technology, Horse Judging, and Horticulture. Tom Christian moved and it was seconded that our chapter recommend Josef Biechler for attending the 2006 World Food Prize in October. Motion passed.
It was moved by Dena Christian and seconded by Andrew Hoffmann that we adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
Roland-Story FFA
Treasurer's Report --May 5, 2006
Previous Ending balance
$ 1850.00
$ 1,279.83
Current balance
$ 8,452.28
Respectfully submitted by: _________Date of approval: __________
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --April 2, 2006
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 6:30 PM by chapter President Valerie Calrson. There were 87 members and guests in attendance. The secreatary's report was given by Cassie Eckley. Cassie moved and Dena Christian seconded that we accept the report. Motion carried. Rachel Rivenbark presented the treasurer's report. Rachel moved and it was seconded by Curtis Hansen. Motion passed. Milianna Carlson then presented the creed. Nolan Rasmusson then gave the invocation. The meal was then served. Awards were then presented with the following:
Milianna Carlson was presented the star greenhand award.
Ashley Youngman was presented the star chapter degree.
Ashley Youngman was presented the Dekalb award.
Dean Biechler, Dale/Kay Anderson, Mike Billings, and Steve Schlatter were presented
with the Honorary Chapter Degree.
Anna Penner received a plaque for high fruit sales.
Andrew Hoffmann and Axel Anderson received chains for their Iowa Degree pins.
Val Carlson, Dena Christian, Axel Anderson, Ashley Youngman, Cassie Eckley and
Curtis Hansen receive their '4 year active member' awards.
After the chapter highlights were presented, the banquet meeting was adjourned with the closing ceremonies at 7:52 PM.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
April 2, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Starting balance May 2005
Incomes for year
Expenses for year
Ending balance March 31, 2021
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --March 3, 2006
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Valerie Calrson. There were 34 members in attendance.
It was moved by Ashley Youngman and seconded by Curtis Hansen that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Officer reports were presented by Ashley Youngman (Secretary's report) and Rachel Rivenbark (Treasurer's report). Ashley moved and Josef Biechler seconded that we accept the secretary's report. Motion passed. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Curtis Hansen seconded that we accept the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor reviewed the activities of the 2006 National FFA week.
Under new business, Rachel Rivenbark moved to switch the date of the FFA banquet from April 2nd to March 21st. It was seconded by Tyler Olson. During discussion, Curtis Hansen moved to table this item so that members could check dates at home. Tyler Olson seconded the motion to table. Motion passed. Members are to let Mr. Taylor know by the following week what date works the best for them.
Ashley Youngman addressed the upcoming State FFA convention and contests to be held in Ames on April 10 and 11. Sign up after the meeting if interested in any of the following opportunities: Sales contest, Farm Business contest, Ag Communications contest, Display contest, Delegates and chapter representatives.
Tyler Olson addressed signing up for showing livestock at the state fair. Forms are soon to be available. Anna Penner reminded members that they need to be FSQA certified if planning to show livestock at the county fair. Workshop is March 28th in Nevada.
Cole Billerbeck visited with group about doing a farm safety program for elementary students -- 2nd grade again this year. Members interested in helping are to sign up after the meeting.
Andrew Hoffmann visited about the opportunity to attend the Farmers Union Cooperative tour in early April. Interested students need to sign up with Mr. Taylor following the meeting. Those interested in attending included: Curtis Hansen, Jessica Holm, Jennifer Dooley, Caitlin McNamara, Tyler Olson, Ashley Youngman, and Andrew Hoffmann.
Mr. Taylor visited with the group about setting up a potential 'equine safety workshop' for elementary age students. Rachel Rivenbark volunteered to head this committee. Others interested included: Lucas Moore, Caitlin McNamara, Ashley Youngman, Josef Biechler, Latisha Lowe and Allison Mortvedt.
It was moved by Dena Christian and seconded by Andrew Hoffmann that we adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
March 3, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Previous Ending balance
$ 829.14
$ 383.83
Current balance
$ 7,882.11
Respectfully submitted by: _________Date of approval: __________
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --February 3, 2006
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:58 am by chapter Secretary Ashley Youngman. There were 21 members in attendance.
It was moved by Josh Ostrem and seconded by Cassie Eckley that we approve the agenda. Motion passed. Andrew Hoffmann, chapter vice-president then assumed the duties of the chair.
Officer reports were presented by Cassie Eckley (Secretary's report) and Rachel Rivenbark (Treasurer's report). Cassie moved and Ashley Youngman seconded that we accept the secretary's report. Motion passed. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Cassie Eckley seconded that we accept the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Cassie Eckley addressed the results of the Sweetheart Ball Dance. We had 299 paid students/guests in attendance. Dena Christian then visited about the Legislative Symposium held in Des Moines at the Capitol. She felt it was a worthwhile experience.
Under new business, Tara Hamilton addressed the topic of National FFA week activities. At this point the schedule is: Monday will be "Ag Awareness Day at the Elementary school", Tuesday will be 'Business and Industry Day", Wednesday will be "Farmer Day" at the High School and Staff Breakfast; and Thursday will be "noon grilling day" and Career Speaker day. Mr Taylor visited with the group about the upcoming District Convention and contests in Swea City on March 4th and about FQSA certification for anyone showing livestock at the county fair. Ashley Youngman informed the group about applications for serving on the Courtesy corp at the state convention.
It was moved by Tara Hamilton and seconded by Ashley Youngman that we adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:13 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
February 3, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Previous Ending balance
$ 352.50
$ 201.26
Current balance
Respectfully submitted by: _________Date of approval: __________
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --January 6, 2006
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:56 am by chapter President Valerie Carlson. There were 29 members in attendance.
It was moved by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Ashley Youngman that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Officer reports were presented by Cassie Eckley (Secretary's report) and Rachel Rivenbark (Treasurer's report). Cassie moved and Dena Christian seconded that we accept the secretary's report. Motion passed. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Cassie Eckley seconded that we accept the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Rachel Rivenbark addressed the FFA Christmas party, Tom Pepper discussed the results of the welding contest, Ashley Youngman reported on the school board communication evening, and Valerie Carlson reported on our donation to YSS for the christmas angel gift program.
Under new business, Cassie Eckley visited about the sweetheart ball dance and announced that her committee will be meeting next week. Tyler Olson visited about the IADA grant. It was moved by Tyler and seconded by Cassie Eckley that we apply for this $1200 grant. Motion passed. Dena Christian visited with the group about the Lowes Outdoor Classroom grant. Dena moved and Ashley Youngman seconded that we apply for this $2000 grant. Motion passed. Anna Penner visited with the group about the State Board of Education application for membership. Andrew Hoffmann talked about the 2006 State FFA legislative symposium and how RS will be presenting a DNA extraction lab. Tara Hamilton visited about the 2006 National FFA week activities and is looking for ideas on what to do. Ashley Youngman addressed the Rising Star application and encouraged sophomores to apply for it. Mr. Taylor asked permission for FFA to sponsor a break for the staff in-service on the 16th of January and is looking for helpers. Volunteers are to sign up with him.
It was moved by Dena Christian and seconded by Ashley Youngman that we adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:14 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
January 6, 2021
Treasurer's Report
Previous Ending balance
$ 4825.68
$ 224.25
Current balance
Respectfully submitted by: _________Date of approval: __________
Roland-Story FFA
Secretary's Report --December 2, 2005
The regular monthly meeting of the Roland-Story FFA chapter was called to order at 7:55 am by chapter President Valerie Carlson. There were 27 members in attendance.
It was moved by Rachel Rivenbark and seconded by Cassie Eckley that we approve the agenda. Motion passed.
Officer reports were presented by Ashley Youngman (Secretary's report) and Rachel Rivenbark (Treasurer's report). Ashley moved and Cassie Eckley seconded that we accept the secretary's report. Motion passed. Rachel Rivenbark moved and Ashley Youngman seconded that we accept the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Under old business, Mr. Taylor visited with group about results of the United Way campaign of Story City. Dena Christian visited about upcoming procedures for fruit sales and delivery, and Mr. Taylor announced the results of sub-district FFA contests.
Under new business, Tom Pepper talked to the group about the upcoming 'Tyler Anderson" memorial welding contest. Rachel Rivenbark discussed her committee plans for the christmas party on December 21. Cassie Eckley visited with group about sweetheart ball dance in January. Their committee will meet soon to make decisions. Ashley Youngman discussed with group about the High School communications meeting with the school board on December 19th. Valerie Carlson talked to the group about invoicing members who did not particiapte in fruit sales as to pay for their dues and t-shirts. Dena Christian moved and Rachel Rivenbark seconded that we donate $150 towards a donation to YSS to be used for christmas gifts. Motion passed.
It was moved by Cassie Eckley and seconded by Ashley Youngmans that we adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 am.
Refreshments and door prizes were then done.
Respectfully submitted by
Date of approval
December 2, 2020
Treasurer's Report
Previous Ending balance
$ 600.00
$ 1,387.23
Current balance
$ 2,685.13
Respectfully submitted by: _________
Date of approval: __________