The Roland-Story FFA Chapter was chartered in the spring of 1929, making it one of the oldest existing Chapters in the State. The chapter has a rich history of providing its membership with both gaining leadership skills as well as employability skills. Story City is located 10 miles north of Ames, which houses Iowa State University, Iowa Department of Transportation, and the National Animal Disease Lab. The Chapter has done extensive work in the areas of community service and betterment. Roland-Story has had 80 members receive their Iowa FFA Degree in the past 12 years and an additional 2 to receive their degrees in 2016. |
The chapter consists of 92 members, 44 female and 48 male. The Roland-Story chapter normally competes in 8 to 10 CDE's per year. Major emphasis of the chapter's POA is devoted towards providing Leadership training for its membership. |
Key Coop, Prairie Brand Seed, Ryerson's Van Wall John Deere, Story County Farm Bureau, Iowa Farm Bureau, Colorbiotics, Pioneer Seeds, M.H. EBY, Inc., Story City Kiwanias., Story City Lions, Woodland Farms, Central Iowa Mutual, Story County Farm Bureau, and the Story City Herald. |